
Side note- why is it men’s hats come in sizes, while women’s hats NEVER do?

the right fascinator is not the problem, tfcktwotc - its the solution.

Any red hat startles me and I judge that person SO harshly

Dunno about you guys, but the red baseball cap is forever stained in my eyes.

Top pic looks like the start of a horror movie. Also, this would have been better with Jude Law/young pope.

The profiting from an exaggerated stereotype of Black girlhood is dangerous for actual Black girls. Black girls are accused of having an attitude for being quiet and accused of being aggressive for speaking up, no matter how mildly. Black girls are put in jail for not going to school, beaten and jailed for months and

I think they should prime her to turn it all around. I’m fine with this.

Wow, I didn’t know SNL even had enough female cast members to do a Handmaid sketch.

I hope they sue all those models too. I want all these POS to be made responsible for this, especially that little fratboy who orchestrated the whole thing. I don’t care if he scammed rich kids, he scammed people in the end. Finish him. It’s not like some random Instagram models were advertising the festival. It was

Also, in five years, no one worth spending time with is really going to give a shit where you went to college.

The only interview that makes a shred of sense as shade was with Selena Gomez. He asks Selena if this is her first Met Ball and she responds: “This is my fourth.” Take a second to chuckle because that was very funny.

Of course you equate excellence with being caucasian...

Vice has an article up about the festival, and it looks like the majority of the tickets were the one to 3K ones, very few of the very expensive ones, if any, were actually sold. Which sucks. I mean yes, they should’ve realized if something sounds too good to be true it probably is, but at the same time I feel like

I’m sure that, at some point, I’ll tire of hearing about this, but not yet. Not even close. Pass the popcorn!

Please tell me we’re not going to see this image over and over and over again as some sort of proof of god and his goodness and the strength of his will and bla bla bla ....

🌸🌸 Cheers to that!!! Can we organize? And by the way did you see her plan for the environment? My master’s degree is in that field. Check out her campaign website. Her plan for it was mind-boggling and brilliant. She used all the skills she had as Secretary of State and applies it there. Also turns out she’s an avid

Hell yes! The election was blatantly STOLEN from her, from all of us and they’re still rubbing our noses in it. I can’t understand people who would ignore that fact. If that had happened to Saint Bernie there’d be rioting, but we’re expected to just shut up about it. She deserves our support no matter what she


I concur. The beverage makes Toxic Masculinity seem palatable. I’d have named it Energized Feminist Base or Sweet Misandry (bonus points because either name would rattle dipshit MRAs).

I wouldn’t have expected toxic masculinity to sound so delicious. I would have guessed something more like Tang mixed with sweat and female tears.