
Ok, all I’m saying is that I expect experts to know more than me. No where did I assert that I’m sort of dribbling moron, or that I advocate for people to be morons. It’s not “I know nothing,” it’s a statement about degrees to which someone knows more. I never said anything about not understanding “the basic form” of

I think anything that implies the election was lost bc of some perceived lack of focus, or infighting on the team, or any other inside-baseball look-backerey, without asking why the same standards didn’t apply to Trump (who had WAY more campaign infighting and upheaval) is just criticism for the sake of it. I mean,

When people say Hillary has “baggage” they really mean a “vagina.” Everything bad Hillary did, Trump did 10x worst. None of the Trump supporters cared about Trumps issues because he’s a man and it showed initiative, and power, and gumption, and blah blah blah. Who care’s that he screwed over black people, small

This is why I don’t particularly care for the book. They worked closely with the campaign, so that’s what they speak about, but... For once, the story of the election isn’t actually the story of the campaign. Ultimately, what the staff was trying to do had little discernable effect on the election, and most of the

With all due respect to the author and her access to members of Hillary’s campaign, I cannot help but feel that the book is incredibly naive. It walks out all of the same complaints without scratching the surface about the way our media pretty much rolled out the red carpet for con artist and world-renowned scumbag,


That’s my fear too. Even when Trump goes away, his 63 million voters will still be there. I don’t see how our nation survives this many batshit crazy, ignorant assholes.

Yes! You want to tell people that Donald Trump, the guy who gloatingly bragged about his mistress and wife having a fight, who got caught on tape talking about how he can get away with sexual assault, who assaulted a reporter while his pregnant wife was out of the room, who used to be a Democrat, who claimed the

The article also points this out, and I agree. I hate all this “this is why Hillary lost” garbage. If one of a million factors had gone the other way, we’d all be congratulating ourselves for picking the winning candidate and wondering what the hell the repubs were thinking running Trump. Almost anything you can

Because he tells his base there’s nothing wrong with them, everyone else is the problem, and this fed perfectly into the anger conservative media has been stoking in them for decades now.

“Hillary had a lot of good policies, but messaging...”

I believe trump voters considered those to be attacks by crooked media.

Thank you.

NYC didn’t vote for him.

So I think a) you need a clear, defined message, and a simple one. And b) you need someone who—and I hate to say this—but you need someone that doesn’t have as much history and baggage that they cart with them onto the campaign trail.

A good portion of the GOP base live in areas devastated by the opiate epidemic. Also—I may be wrong on this—but I believe stats have them as smokers, so fairly high on the “by this GOP logic, you deserve your illness” scale. Except, of course, to GOP voters, only other people actually deserve bad things.

BTW, this is all rooted in this bullshit perverted evangelical Christianist belief that sickness and misfortune come from sin, so essentially sick and unfortunate people bring this on themselves. The Prosperity Gospel is a lie from the pit of hell.

It’s all Reagan’s fault. His pre-Dickens worldview that poor folks are poor because they are lazy and shiftless caught on, and now it has spread like a fungus through the body politic. Now, 30 years later, these Ayn Rand cosplayers dominate the political landscape and spread their “just world” hypothesis over

Jup, because he “deserves” to have health insurance. I am 1000% fucking certain that’s the rethoric he would throw around. It’s the rethoric that EVERYONE with that personality uses.