
This post gave me a tropical contact high.

Librarians are not to be fucked with! They will school you!

I saw that video with Maxine Waters and immediately thought of Shade Court. I am delighted by how much your column has influenced my life.

Goddamn, beets, this is perfect. Thank you.

Literally nobody here is disagreeing with the point that circumcising babies’ penises is problematic at best, since babies are incapable of giving consent. What people are disagreeing with is your insistence that there is no difference between circumcising a penis and “FGM,” a term that includes clitoridectomy, not

Both men and women perpetuate elements of the patriarchy which directly harm them. 

Maybe we should start a kickstarter to buy him a belt.

Benedict Beckeld, the Brooklyn writer in his late 30s

I wasn’t surprised at all. I don’t think this is a woman with a bestiality fetish so much as a couple who are making money by selling various types of illegal pornography.

That’s some horribly judgey, unsympathetic BS to say suicide is a selfish act. I’m not talking about this case in particular, which is clearly fucked up, but you just made a blanket statement about people who are ill and in so much pain that they don’t see another way out.

People are more likely to survive a stabbing. Comments like yours, meant to deflect attention away from the real issue we have with guns in the USA, are getting really tiresome.

That’s a brilliant idea. I hate that it’s such a brilliant idea.

Who could ever get over the trauma of seeing your teacher killed in front of you? What have we come to as a culture? For those who this kind of news overwhelming, may I recommend the soft pleasure of the series “Escape to the Country” on Netflix? It’s like Househunters, but with very polite English people looking

No. California went blue, and San Bernandino is mostly Latino. And there’s not oil or stock benefit for him.

I’m fucking tired of living in a country where the NRA has such a fucking stranglehold on our politicians that I have to be worried about my kid getting shot at school because there are so many fucking guns and such a culture of violence. And there is no end in sight.

I’m already assuming the shooter’s a white male.

Because as a country we looked at what happened at Sandy Hook and decided we were ok with it.

LA local here. Watching local news live. (Weird that no car chase involved.)Latest reports say domestic violence incident.

Right? And “I didn’t want to be a zoophile. I was trying to do everything I could to avoid this animal”? How hard could it possibly be to avoid a fucking dolphin?! Just because an animal humps your leg does not mean it’s cool for you, a human, to have sex with it. That’s not how it works.

she was intellectually pretty much my equal.