
Wait. This bogus therapy was available through insurance while birth control is still being debated? Mindblown.

WTF? Why isn’t this already the case? The people doing this therapy should be in jail.

I try not to judge other parents, cause parenting is hard. But if you put your kid in conversion therapy I judge you. You are a shit parent.

Voila Davis is absolutely fucking stunning.

It’s weird. LA doesn’t get snow storms, so they voluntarily shut down the roads occasionally to compensate. And, just like snow storms, it sounds like people just hunker down and catch up on some Netflix.

I think he has one acting credit as a fictional mayor of Los Angeles from a few years ago. I guess life does imitate art. He is also a Lieutenant in the US Navy, Rhodes Scholar, and former professor at Occidental College (Obama’s alma mater). I’ll bet money that he’ll be running for President some day; he has

I feel like he didn’t pay so much attention to the major themes of the story though?

I thought Dubya was the worst president of my lifetime, and right now, staring down the barrel of President Trump or President Cruz, I'm actually starting to miss him a little....

What I really find beautiful about statements like that is the unbridled arrogance of them. You don’t get to decide who goes to hell. God does. Show some goddamn humility to the Big Guy you choose to believe in.

Ted Cruz: Duck Hunt is, at least, phonetically accurate.

Not to be a huge downer (which means I’m about to be a downer) but I’m glad they don’t mention what the rumor was.

Panton told Jezebel in an emailed statement. “Ted and I had many mutual friends who would usually stop by to watch movies, play video games, or even engage in long, fun discussions about politics, philosophy, and life.”

How horribly rude of me, thinking that I had a fucking right to engage in the political processes of this country. Must have missed that day of civics where they went over how we're obligated to go with the safest choice, lest we be kicked out.

This one, from the original piece at the New Yorker, is almost unbelievable:

This. It’s especially dangerous because it also fosters the “if they’re all bad, why bother voting?” apathy that’s already endemic. The last thing we need is less voter engagement.

Guys, guyssss, can we all just agree to vote together in the general no matter the primary outcome? This is really not an election we can lose.