
“I took ownership of my decision so it wasn’t assault”.

As a wife it makes me sad and disgusted that wives go through this. There have been times when I’m not into it and my husband wants to so he finds ways to turn me on. He doesn’t beg. He doesn’t just go ahead and does it. He tries to turn me on and he’s often successful and when he’s not he understands. Am I naive to

This has happened to me and he was a good friend up until that night. I also don’t consider it rape, per se, but I was coerced and I have not spoken to him since. He lost my trust and was not the friend he was supposed to be.

It’s interesting for me to hear that side of it, because the fact is, I’m VERY assertive and have been all my life, thanks to my specific personality and a pair of attorney parents who valued that very highly in me. I thrive on confrontation, I’m very communicative, I say no with absolute glee most of the time. I get

This is what’s sad for me - there are women who haven’t had these kinds of experiences but I have. Once I was with friends and we were talking about rape and I said “I kind of sort of was. Not really” and they just stared at me. So I talked about the situation. An abusive boyfriend had a key to my apartment. I went

If there is a woman alive who has not had this experience, I’d like to meet her, because she is a rare, rare creature. I’m so grateful to you for sharing your story and elaborating on the complexity of consent. So many people want to make it a black-and-white, yes-or-no issue, and the more people who stand up and say

“Freezing is a third fear response recognized in the field of psychology but, for some reason, missing from public discourse. Someone tries to put a hand on me; I’m uncomfortable, but I can’t move or speak. “No” is not clear.” http://ladyclever.com/culture/freezi…

Shut the thread down. We have a winner.

Okay, so I had to read more about this. Did you read that she also killed her first husband the same way ! They did tests on the corpse and found anti-freeze. There must be a Deadly Woman episode on her.

I’m fully convinced some men are just, like, evil hypnotists or something. My partner’s childhood best friend - who is unattractive and boring and boorish - not only managed to get an absolutely wonderful, smart, and beautiful woman to date him, but then cheated on her WITH HER TWIN SISTER, got found out, continued to

Have you ever read about the David Brown murder case? Really ugly older dude got not only his 14 year old daughter, but his wife’s 15 year old sister to kill his 23 year old wife. Then he convinced his daughter to take what should have been a fatal overdose of pills, only she was found in time to save her life. He

Maybe he was one of those rare birds who always makes sure to wash their groin, junk and taint before bringing up the subject of blowjobs? Or he isn’t all weird about condom use? Maybe he’s the only guy in town without herpes?

What exactly was it about that 57-year-old (at the time) man that those women found irresistible? It wasn’t his looks, or his wallet.

I can't help but wonder if the sister was involved or at the minimum sleeping with him before her death.

If someone takes out a life insurance policy on me and I die, arrest him. I will be the only person to ever seriously take out a policy on myself.

Climate change has really taken a toll on polar bear standards.

Come on, Charlene. The Mediterranean is right there. Just strap the babies to your back and just swim until you hit land. You were an Olympian, so you can make this happen.

Have you considered the possibility that it's not the buttered coffee and that you are, like Bruce Willis in M. Night Shyamalan's finest work, simply unbreakable?