
Update, 6:24 p.m. EST

So I'm not totally sure if this helps but Lime Crime is apparently seriously questionable, ethically speaking. They got caught repackaging a bunch of other companies' products and claiming they were theirs and then threatened bloggers with legal action for pointing it out. So, uh, there's a good chance that the

I know! "She is a fan" is the new "Gowns. Beautiful gowns.".

Wow. MC Lyte did a great job answering that question.

There is not a single non white person nominated for best actor, best actress, best supporting actor or best supporting actress.

I'd almost say Interstellar deserves it for score, but to be honest it might just have been that the REALLY LOUD PIPE ORGAN was the only truly memorable thing about the movie. There was pretty, some bullshit lines about "love", and REALLY LOUD PIPE ORGAN.

I have not seen Into the Woods but, I feel Meryl Streep will always get a nomination for anything she does. She could be sitting on a corner strumming an one string ukulele and still get nominated.

How was Selma nominated for Best Picture but not Best Director, Cinematography, Screenplay?


Every year I tell myself the Oscars don't really matter (like, 90% of the voting panel is old, male, and white) but I still get frustrated when certain films don't get the recognition they deserve.

Congratulations, white people! We did it again!

I think the paranoid theory he is working with is that young girls like Taylor Swift, tune in to Ellen to watch her, be exposed to all the gayness, start to think gayness is normal (oh no), and then be on the slippery slope to Lesbian Town.

I believe the gay agenda is covered in rainbow glitter and sold at Target for $11.99.

Are we STILL doing "the gay agenda" thing? Seriously? THE GAYS, OMG THEY'RE GONNA GETCHA. OOOooOOOoOoooOOOooo [making oogly-boogly finger wiggles here] [also rolling eyes because oh for fuck's sake].

I always feel the need to post this when assholes start talking about "gay marriage" being wrong and against the Bible.

I love the saying, "those who love brutal honesty are more interested in the brutality than thr honesty".