
How are you going to get anything done when you're being stopped by street style photographers on every block?

You could also reenact Dante's Inferno in an Ikea.

i'm typing this in one hand b/c i have yet to remove my other hand from my penis having read the penis entries recoiling in fear and relexively grabbing my penis to prevent anything from getting lodged in my urethra


Three years without a test? What do they think those swabs are, FSU football players?

Yeah, I'm going to watch this and enjoy it in all of it's bro-ish, ignorant foolishness. Yup.

I'm torn on Entourage. I LOATHE the culture that it depicts. However, Piven is just SO good in it and it's fun to watch him.

WOODY ALLEN: [leans in]

A teenager tripped over one of the protesters on her way to Wet Seal. She nearly spilled her bubble tea. #neveragain.

"It's clear from their actions that these political activists were more concerned about making a political statement and creating a media event than they were about the safety of others, who came to Mall of America for an afternoon of shopping and family entertainment,"

Um, how does a die in or other peaceful protests endanger anyone's safety? What a bunch of horseshit.

Scientology tracks down people who bad mouth and will try to intimidate them in any way possible. They look down on forms of modern medicine, and that has costed many "members" their lives. They also shun people who leave the church, making it so these people can't contact their families anymore (usually still in the

Yeah, no, some things are just so completely ridiculous as to be perfectly warranted of public ridicule. If an organization went around claiming the earth was flat or the moon was made of cheese, the response would not be "well, you have the right to your own beliefs on things", it would be well-deserved mockery.

Skip Scientology, join the Church of Pay My Mortgage. We offer salvation for the low, low price of $1,140 per month - bonus upgrade to super salvation if you take on at least one utility bill as well.

Drew Magary was my favorite writer.

This reminds me exactly of Uncle Rico's time machine