
Jess is such a fucking home wrecking skank. Bitch got me drunk on pinot grigio, put me to bed, and then fucked my husband Ken! Girl has issues. And she's poor.

Yeah, that entire book made me so angry. Jessica does nothing but be a psychopath and Elizabeth LETS her! AND THEN THEY MAKE UP BECAUSE THEY'RE SISTER BUT JESSICA IS STILL A PSYCHOPATH. SHE WILL ALWAYS BE A PSYCHOPATH.

I'm honestly still trying to figure out if I liked it or not. I'm still not sure. :) The visuals were great, the story was long and meandering tho.. But it did have a crazy Matt Damon, so that makes up points..

Your answer is exactly the problem I'm having. I asked an honest, sincere question. Your reaction was to insult me, while giving a thoughtful response. However, another person had a completely different answer and encouraged the question and gave an equally thoughtful response. Two different people, two highly

Your essay makes me uncomfortable. I honestly don't know how to help or be an ally. I work with kids in the family court system, either through abuse/neglect or juvenile delinquency/incorrigability. I want to fight for these kids, the majority of whom are POC. How do we do that without becoming a "good white person"?

Oh honey, it's the gift that keeps on giving!

Oh yes, and ESPECIALLY if you don't go the family route!

Thank you for this. I'mc urrently going through a rough friend-loss phase due to all of them cordoning themselves off into nuclear families (something I have zero interest in), and I needed to hear this. I still have about 6 really good, long-term, supportive, same-wavelength, FUN friends. My partner tries to tell me

I just yelled out "Bitch!" when I read that she outed you. That is deeply awful and I am sure you are better off without her.

It's true about the early friendships..I am in my sixties now and still have my closest friends from age fourteen through eighteen..and they are still my best ones.

Moving across the country is one of the great ways to see who your friends truly are. I feel like I really only have one friend. She texts me to see how I'm doing or talk about random crap. I don't have to contact her first! She listens to me when I need to vent. Of course, I do the same for her. Since moving I've

You guys, I moved across country when I was 40. FORTY. The making and unmaking of friendships until I figured out what the hell I was doing...neverending. Eight years later, still happening today.

Ah yes! My wusband calls these "club friends"- you see them out dancing and drinking, and they're genuinely happy to see you and all, but have no plans whatsoever to see you in real life, ie: daylight. This was puzzling to me at first, but I came to accept these relationships for the stunted but relatively happy

I have no patience for people who are that super-sensitive because, at heart, I think that they are some of the most domineering, controlling people around. "Can we please not do this / go there? Can you please not say that? I find it really triggering." When you hear that from someone practically every time you meet

Can we also add the always competing friend? Whether is bragging about something (country club membership) or obsessing over others' or their own Facebook pages (have to post every little thing they do with her kid) or pretending to be the perfect parent with the perfect child ("he has never done THAT before"), this

The childhood friend who was always kind of a hippy but as an adult is obsessed with anti-GMO organic everything, refuses to vaccinate her kids, and has projected her won disordered relationship with food into the conviction that her youngest's dubious health and behavioral problems are due to a metabolic disorder

DTMFA. And tell her why. Also, she is a horrible person. Sorry.

I got out of a lopsided friendship this summer. It was work friends who became real friends and slowly devolved. Eventually I was only a friend when the boys in her life weren't available. She cockblocked me from work things as my supervisor. She borrowed money (even though she made more) and still owes me money

I have non-parallel friends because they are now "sensitive to gluten" and I like beer.