
But, I would like to know how one keeps that many people quit.

You don't have to actually commit an act yourself in order to be legally liable for that act. If you hire a hitman to kill someone, you're guilty of that murder. If you hire a thief to steal for you, you are guilty of that theft. If you hire someone to defame someone for you, you are liable for that defamation.

I'm already suing you.....from inside your own dream!

Super excited for all the Cosby defenders who are suddenly lawyers to jump in here with their in-depth knowledge of defamation law.

One of my favourite GIFs. Dog don't even care.

I have this argument with my husband all the time. He's under the impression that he doesn't know anyone who has ever raped anyone, molested any child or been a victim of these acts (aside from me being a survivor of both). I keep telling him, "That's nice that you have such a rosey view of humanity, but statistically

You're expressing yourself in a very judgemental way.

Wow. Fatphobia even here. Necessary? He is a fucking child molester. Surely we can hate on him for that without suggesting his weight is karmic punishment. Surely. If his victim was fat, does that mean the kid also had it coming?

Dude, that's like the second or third completely fat shamey comment that you've posted on this article. The guy's a terrible guy but being fat is completely unrelated to that.

Yeah, he skipped out on mandatory sexual predator counseling. He's totes repentant. Meanwhile, his child victim is now a young adult who's always going to have that hovering over him, while he's a fucking millionaire.

Here in Michigan, there was some talk about taking back the costs of incarceration from former convicts who won the lottery. No idea if it ever reached the governor's desk, however.

This made me snort so hard the cat jumped. :))))

I am

I love when people's defense of someone is "Well I've never seen him do anything like that!" Are these people under the conception that your average child molester goes around catcalling kids at playgrounds?

So I think we can safely assume now that karma is not a bitch.

Winning the lottery + being in florida means this will almost certainly end badly. I vote for "slamming jet ski into motorhome" as the most probable future cause of death.

That money should all go towards reparations for the victim, who likely had to pay for years of therapy and counseling.

I got a little drunky on Saturday and ordered EIGHT pink Christmas trees online. In various shades of pink, such as "cupcake". And not the tabletop ones, I really went for it. I ordered a Christmas Forest.

So Burt, if I ever get married should I live out my fantasy of performing the ENTIRE Napoleon Dynamite finally dance sequence for my hypothetical bride or come up with my own biz?