
I am chivalrous enough - I get doors, I open the car door when getting in most of the time, etc... if you're not a colossal jackass and a little chivalry comes naturally, it's good stuff. I just attribute it to being raised with older sisters.

Sometimes when I'm walking on the sidewalk with my female friends we'll see something shiny in the street and run out into traffic to get a better look. I've lost so many friends that way. (And it's usually a gum wrapper.)

I would not sign up for this. Mostly because Steve Harvey reminds me of my uncles who were all players back in the day (and some still hold their title at current), who try their hardest to impart wisdom to their daughters about "what men are like" while encouraging their sons to be those type of men. I think he

The thought of joining a dating site run by Steve Harvey makes me want to join a convent instead. The man is funny on Family Feud, but otherwise he is such a colossal jagoff.

There is zero chance an amateur runner ran the 2nd half of a sub-3 hour marathon 17 minutes faster than the first. ZERO.

Challenge Accepted

I was once at Peter Luger's (very old-school NYC steakhouse staffed mostly by cranky old men) with a girl who ordered her steak "very well done". It was all I could do not to burst out laughing when the elderly, gruff waiter put her plate in front of her and said, "And this is what was once a very nice piece of meat".

It doesn't surprise me that people can be allergic to red dyes, but that's not the same as being allergic to "red things."

Until I hear from an actual doctor that this is a thing, there's no way I'm buying it.

AHHH the tender story! It reminds me so much of when I worked at Starbucks and a very snobby couple came in and demanded two wet cappuccinos with a lot of extra foam. I tried to explain to them that they were asking for two completely different things, but they didn't get it. They just kept returning the cappuccinos

I'm fucking hungry as shit.

This is a story about a friend of mine who is smart but not always real world smart.

I think you could do an entire BCO about idiots not knowing anything about steak. I once had an older woman order a filet mignon well done; it was her birthday, so I avoided utilizing my "are you fucking kidding me" face and voice, and politely explained that the steak would just get tough, but she wanted it anyway.

I have had multiple people order the Thai chicken broth, only to send it back because it's wet.

"How to Appropriate Style Respectfully and Fashionably,"

TYPO, changing, thank you for your vigilance

"picked her specifically because they wanted her to address that aspect of her aesthetic." — I'm sure that's true. I think I understand what you mean. If Vogue had a history of treating white and black people and everyone else as fashion subjects and subjects of interest, it would be more seamless when they featured a

They do until someone flags it! stfu parents has many examples, if you are interested.

I definitely get to have an opinion about a friend who would post pics on Facebook of her baby crowning in her vagina. But of course, my opinion centers around her poor social media skills, not her birth.