

How is this whole "shade" thing not whites stealing black culture? Is it because you all enjoy writing these pieces, therefore, stfu?

This is a great trick by many master shade throwers: the feigning of earnest concern. It's a perfect tactic, because no one wants to be the asshole accusing you of being disingenuous. You can get away with a lot of shady shit by cloaking it in genuine worry for the other person. Throw in an understanding shoulder

I do this for the shade gifs

Shade Court is the single greatest regular feature of Jez: the Next Generation.

"First of all, there are organs that "detox" a body already. They are called the liver and the kidneys. If they aren't working, a raw carrot isn't going to help. Only an organ transplant will help."

She could remove the child from the building until it calmed down. Like most parents would do. Like my parents did with me at restaurants so my tantrum would not cause other people undue distress.

I got the fun task of playing the witch in my HS play and i remember when I got to switch over to my "young self" . I lost a prosthetic nose or chin every time, but it was a blast! And I got to wear this kick ass black dress that was a cheaper version of what meryl is wearing...aah I miss theater!

What is frustrating to me about this whole debacle is that, once again, a woman's issue is being reframed as a talk about men. Just paragraphs and paragraphs about men and who is harassing and their race and just every possible permutation of that and racism against men of color and white male privilege etc, etc.

On Tuesday, while waiting as my tattoo artist prepped her station before inking me, a white man leaving the parlor/gallery with his girlfriend came up behind me and ran his hands through my afro.

If you say "ah crap, we're running low on milk" will an Amazon Drone come and deliver you milk?

I am intrigued and hopeful.

Given that Victoria's Secret doesn't carry bras in my size, I'm not wild about A Body for Every Body, either.

Majority of people in the UK do know that black-face is offensive because we had black and white minstrel shows. I have called out Americans for wearing blackface and they had the same response. We need stop acting like people in the US are only ones that know that blackface is offensive.

To make it simpler, I made a graph from Erin's post.