
I bet he claps when a 9 or above walks down the street.

Show is titled "REVENGE OF THE NERDS" both for reference to nerds getting attention and creepy sexual violation.

Whatever. Any event, especially any public event that uses public services/streets, that excludes a group of people based on orientation, gender, race, etc, should not get its permits for production, period.

oh what I would pay for a "where are they now" video follow up.

"you're attracted to something you need to solve"

Women leave because it's stressful as hell. Pretty much every publicist I know over 40 is neurotic or has a chronic health problem. None have families. Coincidence or cause?

Mostly, no.

Ugh. Went to that church a couple times in college but don't remember him specifically. What I do remember is similar (if more politely phrased) speech against women from pastors in most churches I attended, all Protestant, but of different sizes, denominations, locations. One of the biggest reasons I no longer go.

What is he talking about - "no advertising on HBO"?!?! The product placement is everywhere on their original series and films.

Wait... WHAT?! That cannot be legal re boss taking %.

I hear you; I just don't think it's fair to render feminist or other equality arguments void because they aren't based on stats/scientific method. And what about a stat like (making this up) "87% of women feel their ideas do not receive equal consideration in the workplace" - would that not count because it's based on

Human rights pretty much rest on anecdote and experience. Find/Replace your comments in a racism context and think about it.

"Female man cave" should only refer to a straight woman equivalent of Hef's Playboy mansion grotto. Dick soup.

Let them carry Hermes.

This was fun for a few months but then I cancelled my subscription - the portions are small and if you don't like one or three of the bags they send, they start to pile up. It's cheaper to just go to the store. Good idea for keeping your house stocked with healthy(er) snacks... although the options like beer cheese

it's already written on an old blog... Must repurpose!

Nope. Tried Mensa as a dating thing 10 years ago. DOES NOT WORK.

I certainly hope Birkenstock is a paying advertiser. In which case, carry on. The real outrage here is that the whole point of becoming a chauffered NYC editrix is being able to wear 5" heels every goddamn day.

Isn't this the same as saying "The Limited is using Scandal as a creative director to rip off looks by top designers" - news/not news.