Ugh, the crapness. I hope you find love beyond your wildest dreams.
Comment win. Culture loss.
"Fashion, go home, you're drunk."
I heart you for your local politics knowledge. My cause is getting NYers to actually pay attention and vote, especially in the primaries. I rant this every fall.
*does not apply to Cheez-Its.
I'm sorry - that sucks.
This comment made my day.
Rival music fest? I'd go.
I am so doing this tonight.
Ooh! This reminds me of this article re how pharma co's use happy images during side effect voiceovers so you won't remember them:
Because these sites are for-profit and clicks = money.
Yes, that is my point/I agree!
Agreed - all the focus on the mistake being recording the act tells boys that the crime is photo/video, not, you know, RAPE.
Same - also, available.
Congrats!! That's huge. Enjoy it.
I am with you ladies. In that I am all about alone - with the requisite supplies.