
This makes me so happy. Go you!

I hate on LL for the price. I wear Nike exclusively and the stuff lasts till I get rid of it. My negative stereotype would be connected to my gym snobbery, but I'm trying to kick that assholeness, and really, it's not tied to a brand re working out hard.

This! The nice that is nice on a first date doesn't matter in a LTR. The guys who hold doors often end up being the guys who don't call.

Agree w you all... the only redeeming quality of season 2 is that the annoying assistant girl is gone. But the Eva Show scenes were the best part of the show.

Am I missing something here? How on earth is she forced to do anything? Wintour lives on Sullivan St, not at Guantanamo.

Good for you, seriously.

Ditto, new favorite word!!

I keep re-reading this because I can't believe it - like, can you prove it? If so, did you consider recourse or legal action of some sort (like any doctoral student has the time or money for that, but you know what I mean). My assumption is always - hey, you don't have to worry about me peacing out on maternity

This is totally my Darwinian theory on why I don't want kids - I'm an only child and the combo of my parents' mental conditions doesn't need to go past me on this family tree.

That's like saying you're Canadian when traveling to avoid being lumped with US stereotypes. At some point being honest might help change people's minds or make them less judgmental, though it's an uphill battle to be sure...

By that logic, you could also convince yourself you're infertile and start having unprotected sex and then get pregnant, so.

I get so upset at people's condescension toward my not wanting kids that I can barely formulate an answer. So instead I fantasize about the perfect clever retort that makes them suddenly realize and forever rectify their one-sided world view... realizing that the problem is actually that I have to explain it at all.

Am I the only one who has a problem with the sheer expense of hair removal? Regular bikini waxing could easily top $100/month, on top of the $200-$400 every few months for maintaining cut and color of the hair on your head. Men don't have these expenses yet expect women to maintain on this level? Reminds me of that

Because at the child-having age, everyone just wants validation that they made the right choice.

This one makes me want to GrrrrrrraaaAAAAHHHHH like that kid in the dentist YouTube video. That kid I will never have because I DON'T WANT THEM.

Most passive-aggressive unsolicited opinion ever: Once when I was 25 and wore a miniskirt on the subway, an elderly woman next to me started praying for my legs. I was like, God made them, you're not telling him anything new.

I'd borrow this but could never keep a straight face. Amazing.

Literal LOL

Pretty sure that is my friends apt in the stock photo... Weird

Songza is #1