Kitchenette? ...
Kitchenette? ...
We said that about Obama the entire time Harper was in power.
Yeah, totally! Fans always protest reboots and remakes, as they never match the original feel and spirit, often destroying or abandoning what made the original so loveable.
Je m’excuse... is Ben Carson an anarchist?
Good news, everyone!
Me too! :D
I teach elementary students (grade 1). I don’t condone, support, accept or comprehend what this man did, but if he functions at the level indicated (6-8 year old) his actions should be viewed through a slightly different lens than that of a fully functioning adult.
Oh dear. In consideration of irony, sarcasm, and silliness...
“Among other things, the HHSC is requesting “physician orders, progress notes, personal clinic notes, nurses’ notes, procedure reports,” as well as lab tests, and the very broad “charts” and “graphs.” (On abortion-seeking patients)
What an informative, brief, summative and easy-to-read article on a movie I had little intention to see but now am mildly interested in.
Not exactly but close enough, same meaning. 디 앤 씨 이 Di-aen-sshiee-ee.
Lmao I’m really mad that my little ass didn’t throw it arms & chest were sore as hell from my workout so my throw wasn’t shit
Crying after very satisfying and passionate sex. I thought it was my hormones (and perhaps is) but I’m happy to know it’s not just me. I have only experienced this after the most intimate and satisfying encounters of my life... the amygdala explanation was very interesting.
Too bad the server wasn’t carrying. This is why I’m fighting to arm all servers!
I love you pointing out that people of every class, creed, culture, faith and race can be abusive pieces of shit. Domestic abuse is so common everywhere, and we have our own violent and systemic abuse running rampant in North America. It’s just disguised in a way that we’ve learned to digest and try to forget. That’s…
When I was a teenager I used to carry Visine in my purse. For, ahem, emergencies like this.
Why don’t I ever wake up on the wrong side of the world in full, smokey makeup? hashtag failureatlife
I’ve only voted NDP since turning 18, but would honestly consider throwing my vote at the Libs to prevent a conservative candidate from winning. I have a lot of doubts about Trudeau (and the party) but am honestly not very enthused about Mulcair. My riding really only has viable orange and blue candidates so I’m…
Do you actually want examples of police officers who aren’t corrupt? I mean, come on.