
Yeah well.

Odds are his daughter is going to wake up a meta-human as well.

It’s easy to imagine. It’s called Knights of the old republic. 

I actually don’t mind the origin of her being a failsafe super weapon to take out Wonder Woman if she ever goes rogue.

Or maybe Starfire being attracted to 70s wear while everyone else dress normally is supposed to be a clue about her character’s personality.

Is Dick Grayson still a murderer?

There is no point to a lot of heroes honestly.

We’ve known there is a Gotham on Earth 1 for a long time.

People didn’t get their toys when they wanted so they whine that something must have gone wrong because the world didn’t do things at their convenience, it means something must have gone wrong.

Then there is no point to any of that. Might as well just go play the original. 

Balthier or Basch were never the main characters.

Except that’s not what the ending of Lost shows.

The comic and the series diverged ages ago.

Headline should be “A comedian makes a joke. You probably think it’s about you don’t you.

And the witches’ pansexual outlook is also probably why Aunt Hilda didn’t know how big of a deal outing that one jock had a crush on the other could be besides minor embarrassment.

This is pretty much what I came to say.

To be fair this isn’t really completely rude. I mean there are a lot of people I know casually that this answer would apply to if you asked me about them.

Or maybe Danny was just very poorly acted and Ward was better acted; and the like and dislike is for the acting skill and not the character itself.

A martial  arts focused show should have fight scenes that are more than just “solid”.

Maybe because white actresses already have many roles written for their race and there are only a handful of Asian leading roles thus white-washing an Asian takes away greatly from their screen representation but race-bending a white person just reduces one in thousands. This is common sense.