
Costa Del Sol isn’t as important as Midgar for example. So just from a logic standpoint not every single small town and place you visit after leaving would need to be expanded to the same degree. Midgar is important and largely rushed through in the original game.

The third episode was all a dream while he was still stuck in the coffin at the bottom of the ocean.

3 is one of the best ones. Better than Dragon Quarter and 2, at least.

The Breath of Fire games are a soft anthology series loosely happening in the same timeline but also being semi reboots/re-imaginings.

So the sum total of your argument is that it hasn’t happen yet so it won’t happen?

Because FromSoftware’s contract with Sony was reported to be a multi-game contract, people are expecting Bloodborne 2 because people are expecting one more Sony exclusive.

It’s usually thought up by PR and marketing guys yes, but the stars can often just say no and then go with another marketing plan. So when they say yes you know it means at least they’re cool with casual interaction.

My assumption is that it’s half truths. There was a dimensional rift but Mysterio isn’t a hero.

I find it more outdated to base a show in a country(in this case Russia) and have the actors use a Russian accent while speaking english. In context, the characters would actually be speaking fluent Russian with proper Russian enunciation and pronunciation. So it makes more logical sense to have the english

Loved the original on the Snes.

Next Box

Dumbledore is incompetent.

Does a couple of sentences(literally) even count as an article? lol

They’ll probably just add anactive or wait” for when you decide to open the command menu to pick an ability or item.

It’s almost like the trailer didn’t show that entire scene and conversation and that’s why we don’t know what is going on with the others.

He would have to put it back the moment it disappeared from the TL if I’m not mistaken. So there’d be an unconscious Quill laying around.

2014 Nebula is from the same reality as 2014 Thanos and Gamora.

1. Didn’t say it didn’t count.

Oh, that statutory rape.
