Lore Krajsman

The biggest disappointment for me was how they handled Deb in the final two seasons. So they finally had her find out, great, loved that, and then they just screwed her over, until the final betrayal.

I don't know, i think the bottom needs to respect the top's limits as well .Sometimes
a bottom might try and make a top go further and further, where the top out of
fear of disappointing the bottom might go further than they feel comfortable

There is no such thing as a kind master though. The only good slave owner, is one who frees the slave right after buying them.

I loved Malcolm all through the series, especially once they ditched the stereotype and let him have character development of his own

From what I've read in one of the pre-show interviews, the character Jeri is based on in the comics, is male. They basically kept the same cheating womanising jerk personality and storyline, and gave it to a woman.

I don't know who you've been talking to, but for a lot of people I know, Black Widow is their favorite character and the linchpin of the Avengers.

Ah, but that's the disrespect for women talking.

true, but even if they're faster than a human, there's the thing that she's not 'the flash' fast. Just more slightly above a top level athlete's ability. Which wouldn't do much good when you're going up against four highly trained men, one of which is a manticore.

have you seen the way rape victims are treated in real life? These guys got away with their crime and knew there was little chance of them getting punished. So I didn't see anything unrealistic in how they acted.

uhm, since when do Steinadler have that ability, last I checked, they just have really good eyes and are natural leaders.

And it's not like they don't work, all three of the adult Chances have jobs. It might not be the most well paid jobs, but it's still a job.

And it's not like they don't work, all three of the adult Chances have jobs. It might not be the most well paid jobs, but it's still a job.