No Longer Amused

“That would be in the butt, Bob.”

Better get my real nudes out there, I guess.

Rebuttal: Satellite radio sucks ass. Youtube sucks ass. Pandora sucks ass. Spotify sucks ass.

I don’t bbq much, but if she was my neighbor I would switch to only cooking bbq. 

And then it’s compounded by the sound of children playing, and their joy mocks her.

If you could sue people for smells, public transportation would cease to exist

She probably mad because it smells good and she hangry.

In the good old days we’d just force kids to eat shit they didn’t like. Not woke, but keeps them alive and healthy.

If the “special” deals are static, shouldn’t they be considered “combos?”

Is the cherry pie actually famous

I suspect the typical google employee does about 2 hours of work in a typical 8 hour work day. Then 4 hours of shitposting on internal message boards about politics and another 2 hours just doing nothing. Lunch break is your time off from those other things to get food. 

Specific to this article, what’s so evil about telling your employees to stop bickering at the water cooler and get back to the job they’re paid to do?

James Damore’s memo was not “anti diversity”, it was anti giving someone a job based more upon whether or not they have a vagina than on skill. His memo actually had ways outlined in it on how to hire more (qualified) Women. Diversity shouldn’t be a system where underqualified people are given jobs just because of

So basically like every other company in the known world. No company, period allows any type of discussion that would potentially put employees at odds with each other, and I know for a fact that bringing up any talking point, left or right, will pretty much get you a direct walk to the HR office at a normal company.

Dumped a guy over his heavy Boston accent. I just couldn’t handle the way he would talk during sex, saying “Oh my gawd, ya tits are ahwsome!”. It was like banging Ted.

Wow, a beautiful tribute to someone who DIED today. You forgot to mention the part where he provided amazing jobs for 50k+ people, and put food on the table for a good part of our country.

One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot.

I’m wondering why he bothers rescuing them. Seems like that part of the herd needs to be thinned. Also ... that is hilarious, thanks for sharing.

I have a friend who regularly saves drunk weekend tubers after they’ve floated downstream and into the Arizona desert. One girl told him she thought the river just circled around and you’d float back to your original spot. You can’t make this stuff up.