No Longer Amused

Seeing how Microsoft usually has some massive hardware issue when they release a new console, I’ll wait 6 months for it to be fixed. Also, there will be at least one price reduction by then.

Seeing how Microsoft usually has some massive hardware issue when they release a new console, I’ll wait 6 months for

Safari is user hostile, so.....

Geez, and I thought my recipe took too damned long to make. Sounds awesome.

Ironically, for decades now we’ve been hearing how everything is a “social construct” and therefore you can “identify” as anything you want and nobody is supposed to be able to say otherwise.

Quinoa; when you think that your food just needs to taste nasty, and your farts smell even nastier. Lots and lots of farts. Mmmmmmm, quinoa..... so disgusting that anybody who can grow a different grain, does....

Are you serious or just trolling? If you’re serious, you’re stupid.

After reading your “article” I’m pretty the problem is you, not the two guys who apparently know how to turn stories into shows people want to watch.

Just stop fooling around with cheap fountain pens and get a Montblanc. You won’t regret it.

Just stop fooling around with cheap fountain pens and get a Montblanc. You won’t regret it.

If you’d bothered to actually go back and look at the comics you’d see that Storm has always had blue eyes, straight white hair, mostly European facial features, a figure right out of the Swedish bikini team, and skin tone that has varied between coffee with 3 creams to milk chocolate. Halle Berry was pretty much as

The only time I ever saw the game was when a coworker was living with my wife and I for a few months while she was in the middle of a nasty divorce (husband beat the shit out of her) and her teenage son would hang out with us some nights. He played the game, so I downloaded it for him, but it honestly just looked like

Yet another reason to drink Washington wines - I mean, aside from generally just being better....

Wendy’s chicken items are generally far better than anything McDonald’s spews out. Of all the burger franchises, McDonald’s pretty much comes in either last or next to last in all food categories (Burger King isn’t much better).

“heckled by protesters”.... is that leftspeak for “deaththreats by rioters”...?

Do you “peacefully protest” while burning shit to the ground and attempt to murder anyone who doesn’t join you?

Climate change - not what you think it is.

California burns every year; idiots choose to live there and mismanage pretty much everything that could possibly make the fires even worse than they already would be.

People are remembering that they used to make a fried egg sandwich decades before McDonald’s ever thought of marketing them, and that they are better. I mean, when’s the last time you had two buttered slices of toast made from homemade bread with some pan-fried spam (bacon grease), a fried egg with lace, and

Frequently the reason is that the basic ingredients themselves have undergone significant change, even over just the last couple of generations. Even meat will be different based on feed, age at slaughter, and how lean or fat they are raising them based on current demand.

A friend of mine, in conjunction with his cousin, realized that when their grandmother died all of her turn of the century Sicilian recipes would be lost. Then embarked on writing it all down, frequently from memory as much of it hadn’t been made for years, and years later he transcribed it all to Word files.

You can find pretty much all of that food Costco.