Isn’t there a split-second scene of Jessica Rabbit’s shaved crotch in Who Shot Roger Rabbit?
Isn’t there a split-second scene of Jessica Rabbit’s shaved crotch in Who Shot Roger Rabbit?
No, it’s there to provide insight into how fucked up adult serial killers are, even as children. They adopted Brian at the age of 3. WTF puts a kid up for adoption at that age? Answer: people that know they have damaged goods on their hands. A few years later and he’s showing all the signs they’ve been getting from…
Mindhunter - binged it all by Saturday afternoon. The ending on several fronts was telegraphed from at least the first episode, but Bill’s whackjob kid that needs to be drowned ASAP was obvious from Season 1.
Mormons use “fry sauce” - which my brother says is “the best thing Mormons have ever come up with”
You mean, be a Nazi because someone’s opinions and lifestyle deviate from what you personally approve of at any given moment, because “reasons”...? Perhaps you should torch their businesses and have a SWAT team show up their home during dinner? After all, they must be “literally Hitler” to have a differing viewpoint…
I’ve tried Popeye’s a number of times because everyone told me how great it was, but it was always tasteless, cold, soggy with grease, and half the time it gave me the shits.
It would be like you assholes admitting that this website is racist beyond the pale. It’s just not going to happen even though everybody but you knows that it is.
Did everyone forget the old-fashioned “run vinegar through it” method?
Halo 5 sucked ass so hard I stopped playing the game after one play through, so if he was involved in Halo 6 I have to assume it will also be a giant turd of a game.
A courtesy flush right after you take your dump will help avoid most of these problems.
That knife technique is complete shit. 1) wrong knife, 2) you don’t use a 1.5 cm portion of your blade, regardless of fucking sharp it is, and saw back and forth with it.
Some time back my wife decided to extend a bit of mercy on a sorority sister and we rented out one of guest rooms to her while she “got back on her feet” after selling her home. Within a week all our knives were so dull you could barely use them, with the exception of our santoku chef knife which she “didn’t like.”
Did you get a foam core mattress?
Most restaurant chairs suck, but I travel a lot and I hardly ever see those ugly things.
I’ve never been a big fan of cats, but never really had any beef with cats in general other than their tendency to check and see if you’re still filled with blood every now and then. Oddly enough, cats just seem to love me.
As a kid I just didn’t get Dangerfield until I hit my teens, but that movie was hysterically funny at the time.
Since flu shots are essentially a waste of money about 99% of the time, the answer is yes.
I knew a woman that would steal art off the wall in addition to steak knives. She didn’t think there was anything wrong with it.
So, their solution for game that’s already too grindy is to add more fucking grind? Stopped playing months ago because they decided that content wasn’t a thing any longer.
I once saw a video where they literally were lighting her farts on fire like a blowtorch, which 20+ years later I still find bewildering.