No Longer Amused

I had a girlfriend get her passport refused as legitimate ID at a bank some decades back.

The reality is that people would merely put two ultra-wide monitors next to each other.....

The reality is that people would merely put two ultra-wide monitors next to each other.....

Blah, blah, blah.

He’s the only person that can make science boring.

Because Canadians will do anything “for the environment” except treat the raw sewage from Vancouver, BC being dumped in the ocean?

There was absolutely nothing wrong with the Corvair and Ralph Nader has always been a lying fucktard.

Most parents settle on the whole “god” bullshit hoping it will make them behave.

Number of times you need to use a bidet to become a convert: 1

Number of times you need to use a bidet to become a convert: 1

You’re cooking it wrong.

It’s not inexplicable, it’s the result of a marketing campaign by KFC that dates back decades.

However, ten years ago you would have stated it was the “best” rule in congress.

However, being a cunt is reserved for women who have surpassed being merely a complete bitch, and have earned a special place of loathing by men and women alike. It’s particularly telling when it’s a woman calling another a cunt, as women generally just fucking hate the word entirely (except during sex).

While it can very sexy to hear a woman talk about her cunt, particularly about what she likes to do with/to it, you don’t want to be called one.

The very word “phobia” has been so misused as to nearly make it worthless. Anyone that has ever suffered from an actual phobia just rolls their eyes any time someone uses it to malign someone that merely holds different social/political opinions.

See, this is a sign: Mac sucks.

Your odds of actually being at risk are small, but securing your computer against exploits is generally an even smaller risk.

Kaepernick was benched for essentially sucking as a quarterback after he failed to go to the Superbowl a 2nd time. Without a coach willing to build a team around him, he was completely ineffective and had lost his mojo; who wants to hire a has-been quarterback that hasn’t played worth a crap since the 2013 playoffs?

I’m going to sit back and hope they all get fired for malingering.

I knew my wife’s ancestry was different than what she had been told with one glance. She got confirmation a couple years later, and some pointed questions with elderly aunts pried out a name. Apparently everybody in her family knew the truth, but her mother pointedly refused to talk about it until she was admitted to

1) Your request just added a bunch of work for the kitchen to special make your standard menu item.