No Longer Amused

You could just buy one of those cheap-ass Chinese trucks they sell all over the rest of the world and save yourself the work.

My wife broke up with her mom for several years until she sort-of apologized and stopped being a horrid cunt to her. She promptly tried to switch off to being one to her granddaughter, but got called out on it and shamed in public for making the attempt. You could tell that being stymied in trying to ruin someone’s

Your solution to monarchies is to implement he very worst form of rule ever seen? As if Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao, Castro, Chavez, and Maduro haven’t already demonstrated the complete idiocy of Socialism, we get little morons like you calling for more it.

It’s so amusing when the little commies come out and spray their ignorance all over an otherwise intelligent thread.

I have to wonder what sort of restaurants he works in - those are shit wages even for unskilled labor.

Cutting a slot borders on desperation most of the time, and the rubber band method is a joke. Vice-grips or an extractor tool are your most reliable options.

Contempt of Congress is about as toothless as it gets.

The common refrain of “what, and ruin this body?” is a lot more accurate than many women realize when it comes to having babies.

Because a quick spray with canola oil is far easier than spending several minutes wiping on a layer of lard or butter. Which is what everyone did in the centuries before non-stick cookware existed.

Absolutely nothing in the universe is completely safe, and people have been warned about keeping aerosol cans away from heat and flame since they started manufacturing them. They can explode is (was?) common knowledge.

You might want to just admit that your grilling talents aren’t really up to snuff.

No mango mocha? What a ripoff.

They sort of forgot that in the books Daenerys actually sucked at wielding power, but now have to get back on point to finish things up.

It means nothing at all. Just like “new and improved,” “organic,” and “natural” are meaningless sales pitches aimed at the scientifically illiterate.

One of the things I catch myself doing when I check my balances is marvel at how much it’s grown since I was REALLY able to start putting money away and started selecting investments for long-term. Twenty years to go from nothing to being a millionaire, and 75% of it in the last decade. That’s not even counting the

Some people overcook the ham and it dries out. Hence, mayo.

So, basically, despite the fact that everybody on the planet loves fried chicken, nobody is allowed to eat it?

I once worked at a pizza place where after one pizza slid off the paddle and landed face-down on the floor the manager looked around, peeled the pizza up on the floor, sprinkled some more cheese on it, and popped it back in the oven for a few minutes before serving it.

Time to get a new job and start bad-mouthing the place. If they re-use the bread there will be a lot more shit going on that just hasn’t been discovered yet.

Is the Tasty Freeze still there at Confusion Corner, or did someone ruin everything and turn it into an espresso stand?