The Emperor of Rylos


Same here. Both films are extremely well done, but I don't think I'll ever watch either again.

I remember seeing this and "Requiem for a Dream" back-to-back, not realizing how utterly soul-crushing both of them were. That was a hard day.

No "Dr. Katz: Professional Therapist"?? You've got "Home Movies", but you don't have the show that spawned (or squiggled) it? For shame.

Can we talk about what's truly important here? Namely Karen Allen with no pants on. One of the greatest moments in cinema history.

As Liz Lemon once said, "Talk it out before you walk it out."

Half of those sounds seemed to have come from "Dragon's Lair". I can see so many similarities between MacGyver and Dirk the Daring.

It's been quite a while since I saw any sign of the German V-Joke.

Actually, earlier than that. Looked it up…she was reading the book in "Christmas Special" while ringing the bell to summon Jack to tell him that she's needs her other bell.

I do like in a later episode (don't recall which one), Jack's mom is reading "Urban Fervor".

This was the first film I watched after hearing Mr. Williams has passed, and it's definitely one of my favorite of his films. And as much as I enjoy Gilliam's over-the-top films like Brazil, Time Bandits, and Baron Munchausen, he does such a great job with smaller films like Fisher King and 12 Monkeys (which is my

I like the Ice King's cameo…"Hey! Leave me out of this!"