Christopher Winslow

I’ve given up on trying to explain that most cars aren’t inherently great or terrible winter cars to most people, but! There is one thing that I’ve found works.

Shoe/sneaker analogy. Especially for active people. Explain to them that their awesome summer tires are like [insert top of the line running shoe] - great at

The four seasons* in California:



I drive a Miata with winter tires in the winter in New England. It is more controllable than a WRX with all-seasons.

Maybe he meant it gets smaller the colder it gets. That has certainly been my experience. Oh wait we’re talking about tires.

it actually gets softer the colder it gets

Just ranting again...I hate fake patriotism

I don’t think that most of the people who use millenials as a scape goat or an insult know what a millenial is. I have been called a millenial and I am 40.

Yes, when we travel for Thanksgiving holiday, we usually fly on Thursday and fly home crack of dawn Monday morning. It’s so much easier than Wednesday and Sunday travel.

Is a sheriff’s horse also a sheriff? The human sheriff said something stupid about the crowd we were in and I said, “That’s some bullshit,” to no one in particular. And then the horse immediately started moving around and made that ‘phhfff’ sound and I can’t be certain but I think he was agreeing with me. That’s as

“If you are a California resident and acquire a new car, truck, or motorcycle from another state, it must be certified to meet California smog laws to be registered in California. This includes certain diesel-powered vehicles. DMV cannot accept an application to register a vehicle in California that does not

Same here. Gotta say reading the articles influenced my decision. Waiting till next year to start the hunt for a V-Sport.

Never even thought of shopping for a car over the state line.

Driving to work just today in DC. Light ahead turned solid red, 3 cars in front of me ran it, but I stopped...and the guy behind me blared his horn and flailed his arms as if I’d done something wrong by safely slowing and stopping for a red light.

I don’t know how it is in the rest of the country, but in Southern New-England, this type of red light running has reached epidemic levels. I rarely see a light turn red without someone, within about two seconds, running it. People are getting rear-ended because they actually stop before the light turns red. It’s

“Low-Ass Bridge Gives Red Light Runner A Taste Of Instant Karma”

As the CEO of the Galaxy I give you a Star of your own. Enjoy.

The driver of that black Altima showed far more self-control and grace than I would’ve..

In before the “Why don’t they just raise the bridge a few feet, or dig the road a little deeper?” comments. Oh wow, thanks, your casual shower musings have come to a conclusion that no one with a degree in this field, that does this for a living, has thought of! Gee, you should apply to be CEO of Earth!