Lord Ventinari

Yeah, I realized going in that the odds were going to be against me. I think part of the reason I'm a little bothered by the whole thing is that it made me realize how dependent I am on face-to-face contact in order to get a proper impression. I've been told I'm very good with people, but so much of that is picking up

So a couple of weeks ago I finally stopped lurking and asked for a little advice on how to get back into the dating game/stop being a lonely troll-like creature. Y'all were super kind, btw.
So verdict? I bit the bullet and joined OkCupid. Results have been… mixed to say the least. No one I've messaged has answered me,

I was so angry leaving the theatre after seeing that movie. It could only have been made by a certain kind of American, reducing my hometown to a glorified amusement park.

Thanks everyone! My roommate got me drunk and signed me up for tinder. It sounds like the worst idea in the world, but baby steps I guess…

Thanks for the commiseration! (I have no idea how to reply all). This social anxiety is new to me, and I'm still figuring out how to navigate it. I kind of had a nervous breakdown at the end of my senior year of college, and for some reason it manifested itself physically for the next year (major weight gain and

The problem is I have no idea how to go about it. I'm honestly freaked out by the idea of online dating, and bars are kind of the worst place to look for something relatively meaningful. It doesn't help that I'm unemployed and really insecure about it, and while I keep my mental health problems well hidden in public,

This will totally be lost this late in the discussion, but that seems appropriate for my first post as a longtime lurker.
I think I've reached a new sexual/romantic low. When your therapist tells you to "get out there" for your mental health, it's time to seriously reassess your life. Life is terrible.