

This made my day. Thank you.

Here’s a quick solution...buy a car from the 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, or early 10s. Problem solved.


That “car” will never be made.

Don’t you mean Meg Foster?

RIP Crash Test Dummies

Fuck Trump...fuck him in the goat ass.

I see nothing wrong with this. :)

RIP...i honestly shed a tear.


Why do you think Uber is working on Driverless cars? They want to get rid of the drivers ASAP.

BMW xDrive system is the best in the world. Period.

The real problem is yup you guessed it: Frank Stallone

Also...the car needs to be a 2013 MINI Cooper Coupe JCW.

Also...he doesn’t know the difference between: t0, two, or too.

I’m actually disappointed...they could have taken this even darker. If you’re going Dark...go for Black Hole Dark...where no morality can escape it’s grasp.

Awesome work Beth! Keep going. Instead of 100 go for 1000 days! You’re unstoppable.

Way too much money for a pickup. I’d pay maybe $20K for a pickup.

Why even showcase this asshole, she was part of genocide. Zero interest. Sorry bub.