Lord Tubbington

Maybe Tara would suddenly better written….

I thought Eric was pretending to be Lestat.

but they didn't spend enough time with Rob and they didn't even attempt to show us anything!

Hey, why get comfort from a man that is willing to risk his life for you, that you supposedly love, when you can use him to ben escort so you can screw that one guy who was nice to you!

maybe it was his wailing, or maybe it was the bad CG /makeup death.

I've also been watching a fair amount of deadly women on netflix (its so campy and badly acted). So putting out a life insurance plan for 2 mill and then dying days later, is kind of a red flag to police and insurance companies worried about scams and anyone with a brain.

Sarah, lets keep the governor's death a secret
LITERALLY THE NEXT SCENE SHE'S IN, Hey guess what Jason and 4-6 other guards and any vampire within range. the governor is dead.

You think that with all of the blood specialiest crap they have downstairs in the dungeons they could have used any of it to prolong her life, like oh an Autotransfusion machine that they used an episode ago?

Maybe they need to spread out the dicks.

Is anyone else still curious how she did that? can anyone rescind invitations? did  the government of Louisiana write a law that says they own all the properties in the state?

the placement to me looked to be in the back of the neck, so that would be in the spinal cord area. even if they kept pressure on his wound his heart would have shut down.

You forget, he's a medium who can't control being possessed, so they'll find a way to show up.

so…. Warlow thought it was a good idea to introduce himself to the rents while Sookie was kid?

Ben and Glory are the same person! but no one is supposed to remember that.

well Sookie's killed a lot of people (like three I think, or been directly responsible for their deaths.) so, by your standards, doesn't she deserve it?

well Ben has not had her blood (we think) so he can't sense her trouble.Bill on the other hand is being a dick and probably can feel her fear but just doesn't care.

Are we supposed to assume that pregnant lady warlow was talking to in his village was his wife, and if that's the case… is warlow actually Niall's father and  Sookie's great grandfather?

@Kumagoro:disqus Niall looks at the razor, and back at an earnest looking ben. " you want me to do what with what?!"

maybe cause it gets vampires high? and he wanted to be level headed?

Holy hushpuppies! thats where i recognized Nicole from!!!