Lord Tubbington

most happy about the reprise of "period sex"

Henry starts talking about project mongoose
Regina….He's adopted.

so after watching this I went back and re watched silence in the library and forest of the dead. wonder how many others did the same.

feel like this one is the most likely. circumstantial evidence with the car at Avery's car lot is seen and to bolster the case the cops "find" evidence at his house. its like the first case all over again, they thought Steven was guilty and anything like the truth is not relevant.

are you serious? I know its Jessica Jones. its in the freakin title of the show.

I think it was a bit of a misstep on the writers part to not give Jessica Stockholm syndrome like they did in the comics. it makes killgrave very two dimensional imo.

come for the review/recap stay for the Hamilton references….

its the magical plot device that has enough to restore a castle, warp the minds of a kingdom and still have a bit left over to brainwash our heroes. good old plot device.

the worst thing she's done is steal a dwarf's ax. that's just rude- not evil.

Community reference!!!!!!

well I think it was actually sort of true to the source material of the snow queen(which I liked) but it wasn't strong at all and after a while I just wanted Elsa to shut up about Anna.

oh I've got 10 bucks on that usher being Merlin. Just sayin.

I was pretty shocked at the revel that excalibur was broken and that the dagger was the missing piece. of course they didn't trust us to look at the design of the sword and figure that out…but that's OUAT style I guess?

So are all of these Jerrys going to go to day care?

or when the emotions make an appearance. with the help of Bing Bong.

Stanniss: I feel fine, think I'll go for a walk
Brianne: You're not fooling anyone!

I got a sudden vision of a GOT and aqua teen crossover

no we really don't know Stannis's fate in the book- Ramsey sent a letter to Jon saying Stannis is dead but that could be a lie… guess the tv show is doubling down saying the letter is true.