Lord Tubbington

yeah hasn't anyone noticed that she went from token goth kid to mod 60's girl? what is her identity now?!!!

I must say, I genuinely got upset at the Karofsky suicide. 
but I really want to give props to  Daniel Roebuck, the character actor who played his father. just an amazing actor.

I don't know, I think even the most well adjusted person thinks about suicide and Karofsky was not well adjusted. 
He really did try and make amends and he just couldn't see past his present. 
there is this article in rolling stone, link below, about bullying in Minneapolis and a string of suicides that just needs to

I know the show has money coming out of its ass, but does it bother anyone else that the kids wear $300 dresses and shoes? 

not really. but the writers have been on a steady diet of sunshine, rainbows and unicorns since the show became popular and got more $$ from the network.

Poor Tina. all she wants is a song and everyone laughs, like that's going to happen! you keep on dreaming kid!

They made such a big deal about it that i thought he was going to go keel over and go into shock. you know, new experience!

Not without Joss, and he's not going to go near Firefly verse for a very long time.

No its Male Nurse Jackie!

I don't understand why people hate that episode so much! 
"Oh My God! Joshua was totally racist!" lolz

its time to kill the doppelgangers of this timeline and take off the felt goatee (since I'm sure you've had trouble growing your own)

Britta: "Raising him means letting him follow his dreams." Abed’s Dad: "Dreams are for sleeping."
 Britta: "You don’t know that!" 
Abed’s Dad: "It’s clinically proven!"
 Britta: "So is polio!"

I just like liking things.

Ok correction, She did pass the porch test, just not with Ted.

I did! but I thought more people would be like, you want to eat him?

correction he has a receding hairline in the future. its Marshall who's bald/ing

nice! I did not pick up on that.