Lord Stoneheart

Hey that bridge fight was around where I stalled my first time playing Banner Saga! You're definitely closer to the end than you might think.

My brothers are insisting I play some Destiny 2 game so there you go. Hopefully I'll fit in time for Diablo 3 as well. Still making my way through Act 2 with my army of the dead.

I was a bit of a shut in when I lived there for the first few years, but there's a bookstore in the downtown area I loved, Market Block Books.

We could always talk shit about Binghamton. Not even people in Binghamton like it.

Hey, I lived in Troy for a few years. I mean there's a lot shit talked about it, but I kinda liked it? I visited Albany semi frequently, mainly to do community service at the Albany Medical Center.

Wasn't Psych filmed in Vancouver, British Columbia? (Which means it's much colder than Santa Barbara and I feel a reflexive chill if I actually think about that)

Southern Tier

I might have a date this week! Actually I might have multiple dates. And maybe some hookups? I don't know. At this point I'm assuming that until I see a guy a second time, I have good reason to believe they'll ghost me. Meeting people through the internet has been fun. I'm either going to have a very long post for

I live outside of D.C. I like visiting the city but there's no way I could afford to live in the city proper. (Also, I'm glad that my dating options are much more expansive in the city than they are back where I grew up in upstate NY)

(Reads the "No shows that show violence against women" ultimatum) I think the "You can't watch this" is probably where it crosses the line into controlling. "I feel uncomfortable watching this with you" seems like a perfectly reasonable statement.

I grew up in a town of 2000 or so people. (My school drew from multiple towns). I still realized eventually that pot smoking isn't nearly as bad as they make it out to be.

Because eventually someone they know is going to try marijuana and not turn into a bank robbing meth addict.

Okay then? Well not by you, but if you know someone else who's interested.

As someone who's sucked cocks and has had their cock sucked, I think using cocksucker as a perjortive is a bit stupid.

Is a sudden change in booking, where one of the involved wrestlers isn't told about it, happen often in pro wrestling? (My only experience with wrestling comes from the discussions about this show, and the Bret Hart autobiography where a similar sounding incident the breaking point with his relationship with Vince

I am probably going to be on the other side of the country from you. Sorry.

Hooray for the last person! (I'm trying to be sincere, but now I'm suddenly anxious that I failed.

It was a bit tough to watch Sam exploit Cherry's personal tragedies right in front of her. I have to say he annoyed me as much as Melrose.

So far I'm enjoying this, with my favorite scene being Ruth's "Training montage at home" (Turning a blanket into a cape is funny. Turning it back into a blanket to sleep is also funny).