Maybe new game modes will provide at least another burst of orbs? I'm in basically the same position, and it's frustrating because once you get up on Lunatic, you can't use non 5 star units really. And 20,000 feathers is way too much for promotion.
Maybe new game modes will provide at least another burst of orbs? I'm in basically the same position, and it's frustrating because once you get up on Lunatic, you can't use non 5 star units really. And 20,000 feathers is way too much for promotion.
Today was a 10 orb drop for something I think. And when the gauntlet ends we will most certainly get 20 more. But after that I'll be really disappointed if they don't do another Training Tower or Lunatic Challenge style quest just to keep the orbs steady. (The fact that spending the lowest amount isn't enough to…
Hinoka was against Camilla. Camilla won of course.
I got Rock Band 4, so my weekend will probably be me injuring my hand trying to beat Constant Motion on the guitar hard difficulty. It's going to be fun.
I've never dumped anyone, but I have told someone who's romantically interested in me that I wasn't feeling it. (First time was a girl. I sputtered off a lot of nonsense in hopes of her not thinking I was gay, then ran away. Second time was a guy and it seemed he took it well, but I had a nagging feeling he was…
From what I've read, they blame it on the mysterious "Them" getting to Trump. The idea that Trump is a conman with no actual beliefs or positions outside of narcissism seems to be an impossible concept.
So far I've learned not to jam my tongue down their throat. That's a start? (Actually I have an ex who insisted on no tongue, but he insisted on a lot of things I guess.)
It sounds like a form of "It's not you, it's me." thats sugar coated to the point of insincerity.
So I've been on a few dates with a new friend since last week. We've seen Logan and La La Land which were both good movies. (I liked the former better). And I've also seem to have forgotten everything I know about kissing someone. (Really it was super awkward)
Mass Effect Andromeda: I finished off the story mission on the first major planet. I have some complaints (Why no power wheel?) but overall it's been fun. Right now I'm just side questing before going onto the next thing. Also I can't help but think I'll run the same loadout powerwise throughout the entire game…
Granted putting one microwave inside of another also just seems to cause explosions. This metaphor doesn't seem to be working.
Normally I don't think "Well that escalated quickly" multiple times but jeez. I'm glad you were able to hightail it out of there without issue.
To reuse a comment I've made elsewhere on the internet.
Actually there's still the King Knight expansion after this. I'm not surprised that they focused on getting a Switch version out before putting the expansions on the Wii U and 3DS, but they'll still do the latter because they promised to as a part of the Kickstarter.
Pillars I'll give you. Baldur's Gate I and II also had the problem where non mages and clerics were just kind of there though. (Well thieves had to be kept out of the thick of combat to prevent from being splattered but backstabbing had limited use. You needed them to unlock stuff and find traps)
Partly agree on ME2 (There's still differences between engineer/combat/biotic characters I feel. Tali or Legion's AI hacking can be huge)
I figure that Nintendo wants to recreate their biggest hits from the Wii U in hopes of taking advantage of a larger audience. Splatoon had a sequel in the wings already but Smash would be something that takes longer.
(Answered your question but in a reply to FlimFlam downthread. Not sure if you saw it because I can't see who upvotes me on mobile)
Dragon skin is a pain. Fun with Rescue staves (and some units with Galeforce) means you can get up to the boss in one turn, hurt him a little, and then rescue Chrom to get him out of range. (I had a lot of A rank staff users).
I think high Res does lower the chance it hits, but map design makes it very hard for low res characters to stay out of its range for that Chapter. (Also Elise and Leo are the only characters with notable Res in Conquest). The boss does cycle through a Freeze and Enfeeble staff first as well. (And silence I think? I…