But Xbox One has backwards compatibility with some of my 360 games. Plus both my brothers have an Xbox One.
But Xbox One has backwards compatibility with some of my 360 games. Plus both my brothers have an Xbox One.
Fuck! I was going to buy that if I passed my qualifying exams in a few weeks.
Almost done with Old a World Blues. I'll probably hop right into Lonesome Road, which is going to be a pain because of level scaling. Then it shouldn't take long for me to sweep the rest of the game. In hindsight taking experience boosting perks was not the smartest idea.
I know there's probably some people who's vote is influenced by religious beliefs, I just remind myself sometimes that a good chunk of religious people in 1980 decided to jump ship from Carter to Reagan despite the former being an evangelical, and the latter being an actor who had a divorce.
While I don't want to talk about what's causing me stress this week because it's mostly because I fucked up school, I will say I got what appears to be spider bites in some really uncomfortable places. No idea how the hell it happened other than it must have been in my sleep. I've seen some really little spiders…
The reason they gave to me was that they weren't ready for a relationship. (Essentially "It's not you, it's me). I'm taking their word for it. Other paths lead to madness.
Wait this isn't the meth using hooker is it?
Oh yeah. Afterwards I was worried about whether he was into me or not. Getting an answer without having to go through several more dates was a bit of a relief. Like ripping off a band aid. And he did try to let me down gently. I think in a different universe we could have been good friends (he's in a doctorate program…
If your SO is playing Pokemon Go until 5 am in the morning, I think that's indicative of problems beyond the game itself. (Wasted an hour of free time walking around today. Fun times)
Unless the fertilized egg fails to attach to the uterus. Which actually happens quite often. 50% of the time actually.
Ah right. They're the "You'll be sad when I take my ball and go home!" people who forget to actually go home.
Looking at the list of "red flags" MRAs have regarding women was entertaining. (Usually going to that site just makes me feel sad).
"How did you get here before us?"
"I'll turn him into a flea. And then I'll put him in a box. And then I'll put that box into another box. And then I'll mail it to myself and when it gets here, I'LL SMASH IT WITH A HAMMER! Or to save on postage, I'll just poison him with this!"
When he had Princess Carolyn sign those cards at the same time and she wasn't paying close attention, I think it set off enough red flags to have… A lot of red flags. Man my analogies suck at 1 in the morning.
I missed a "what's your favorite game this year?" discussion? Damn. Well my answer is Fire Emblem Fates unsurprisingly. I mean, the story was a disappointment considering the concept was an interesting one. (I like the two kingdoms idea, but Birthright felt like the pace was too slow, Conquest felt like it was aimless…
I played Splatoon for the first time this year. On one hand it's cool that all the content is out for it. On the other hand, damn it why didn't I buy this earlier? I missed all but one Splatfest! Plus it's just a damn fun, unique game. If this could be a once a console thing like Smash that would be fantastic.
My least favorite game of this year was Final Fantasy Explorers. I've always told myself that story doesn't matter in games, but not having much of a story, plus repetitive gameplay meant that it really didn't hold my interest for long.