Lord Stoneheart

Piscatella had that beard since he was in his midteens? Huh. (I didn't have a beard in high school. My prom date and I went as friends.)

I have to say, I've been liking that there's more Freida, but I'd be fine with no flashbacks for her. I think her past seems so full of wild and violent things that it gives her this aura that I think would be diminished if it were fully explained. (We know she's mutilated a husband, she knows basic murder math, and

I'm not sure if I have anything to say other than "Ugh Healy", "Sophia!" and "Nicky!" It actually took me a while to realize Sophia was Sophia. Not until she mentioned her son's birthday. Man I'm bad at this.

It can be two things! (Confusion and not being interested in the ladies). Admittedly the first one has actual evidence, where the second one is just conjecture on the part of me and Lincoln.

Gloria has two sons. One of them is 12/13. (I can't remember his name). One of them is a few years older, in his midteens. The one we saw today was the older one.

We don't know how much time has passed since Gloria's flashbacks other than a few years based on Benny's age. He's the same age in show as he was last season. His actor just looks a year older.

Benny was 12/13 in the flashbacks. He's probably in his mid teens (15-17) now. Plus if it's the same actor, people can change a lot from one year to the next in that age frame.

Hasn't drone bombing been going on for quite a few years? Mostly in Afghanistan admittedly, but still. Besides, sometimes that stuff makes it on the TV news, and they do have a TV in prison.

Hey, the lunkhead being gay was my theory too!

Ah, thank you. The passing of seasons is something I miss, and the only other thing we have to use as time frame reference was Diaz's pregnancy.

Gloria: Jesus Christ.

This weekend I played some Splatoon. I'm not very good at it though.

I admittedly have trouble remembering all the characters since I forgot to do a rewatch this year. (I did a rewatch in April last year before season 3. But my school year was super busy this time around). I recognized Ruiz, but I didn't recognize Yadriel in the flashback.

Okay, time to squeeze in a full comment for posterity. (People are still reading my comments from last season for some reason. They should learn to find cooler comments in their skimming)

It's 1:30 am in the time zone I'm in, and I'm in a weird excited state, but I think my posting is getting kind of run on sentence like, and probably not fun to read so I probably should sleep. But now that I see that the next review doesn't go up until 2 I might swing back around in the morning. Provided that when I

My favorite part of this episode was everyone taking the shit out of Piper. I wish I didn't post this so late so I could say more. But my favorite one was the conversation with Chang. "No one know you gangsta with an A."

It's the N64 version, or well specifically the VC version on the Wii U.

How's the gameplay? It would have to be pretty bad to turn me off from the gorgeous gameplay and the fighting massive Norse myth inspired bosses.

I mean, Zelda: The Breath of the Wild looks fantastic but it's not out until next year so it's a little difficult to get hyped about it now. But Jotun looks like it might be right up my alley, and it comes out this summer.

Prison is the key word there I think. The situation would be really unnerving to be in, I don't blame him for being upset.