Lord Stoneheart

Hmmm? I'm not angry. A bit tired at the script you and the dozens of other trolls I've seen run off of, but not angry.

Oh how about someone comes up with a new question as if they were talking to a condescending asshole of a tone troll (which is more applicable in this situation)

I always thought of Left Behind as less "Convert or face the consequences!" and more "We're right you're wrong, we can't wait for awful stuff to happen to you wrong people, neener neener neener!"

Sorry, I realize now that the troll I was referring to stopped a few hours ago. His last few posts were of the "I'm going to leave and then you will all be sad because you won't have a villain to castigate anymore!"

Evidently him seeing as he's still at it a few hours after you posted this.

I'm not far enough in to conclusively say. Sorry. :(

Okay then. We shall cry into our pillows and rue the day we drove you off. It's not like there's thousands of other assholes willing to take your place as a concern troll.

You know that this whole conversation isn't happening in a vacuum right? We've seen you around before. We remember what you've said before. It's not like everyone's slate is rubbed clean at the start of every thread.

Capital! We should start a superhero team.

But what will we do without your constant concern trolling? We would be adrift without you! Can the AV Club truly function without some jerk going "Well actually… If you guys were a bit more polite I'd respond to your arguments"

I think the scenario is a little different here. Dr. Luke isn't being accused of making a tasteless joke.

Truly, there is no greater bravery than being a condescending concern troll on the AV Club.

Depends. Can you weaponize your anxiety? If so can you tell me how?

He used the secret weapon of all concern trolls.

Holy fuck, you truly are trying to set a record with this "Condescending smug fuckwad" routine aren't you?

Hey I have to object to that wade in here part.

It can be two things!

Yeah, forget the internet. That lovely saying was one that was a pretty widely held view around where I grew up. Stuff may have changed in the past five years, but I have no doubt a good deal of them still hold onto that bullshit.

I read some of the stuff she was saying about her position. And all I can think is "Damn, I wish I had so much money I could cocoon myself from reality like that."

I might be only thinking this to protect my sanity but I could see Trump saying most of the stuff he says in order to pander to a certain group of voters. Not that this excuses anything, if you stir up hate for your own personal gain that's no different than stirring up hate because you're a hateful person. Of course