Lord Stoneheart

I'm playing Fire Emblem Fates. In fact I accidentally woke up an hour before my alarm (I blame the fact I finally went to sleep at a reasonable hour), so I even got some playing in already. I created a Princess Corrin and I think her asset is Resistance and her flaw is Defense. And her secondary class is Cavalier

I'm playing Pillars of Eternity too! I accidentally lost my save file due to extreme stupidity, but that's okay because I think I wanted to start over anyway. I have a Death Godlike Wizard created and he has this neat summon quarterstaff spell that drains endurance and it's great.

I finally got the Pillars of Eternity expansion to work on my computer! I may have accidentally lost my previous safe file due to my own incompetency with computers, but that's not a big deal since I was half considering starting over anyway.

Another cable company that deserves a round of "Fuck this shit" is Time Warner Cable. Granted my problems are more minor than that bullshit with the credit cards, but honestly I wouldn't be surprised one bit if there was someone else who was facing that bullshit from TWC too.

Yeah. I feel weird that in the past year my newsfeed has swung a lot to the left. (Might be the result of an election year. So much Bernie be Hilary drama I don't want to get involved in). But nobody goes to Facebook for actual discourse though so maybe I shouldn't actually worry about that whole echo chamber thing

Savage Puddle, how do I meet guys without posting photos of myself on the Internet? Also how do I talk to guys? What do they like? Is it swarms of lizards? I've been told girls like swarms of things, so I'm going to assume that the same can hold true for guys.

Self worth? What's that?

That sounds like my Facebook feed too.

I think my favorite Link tunic might be the blue one in Link to the Past. Though that might just be the amount of relief I felt playing in the Ice Palace and finally picking something up that reduced all the damage I was taking.

Death by snu snu, or sneaking suspicion that Grindr dude was the reincarnation of Jeffrey Dahlmer?

Hey I actually caught the letter about blumkins this time! And my libido has officially gone back into hibernation for six more weeks of winter at the thought of it. And LW, are you sure you're supposed to be writing letters to Savage during recess/ lunch? (I still had that going outside for the remainder of lunch

I'm a bit confused as to why the SNES game's ending is too happy/standard/perfunctory. I mean it's not that complex of a story. There's some dark parts but it's not some massive deconstruction of previous Zelda games. "Everyone lived happily ever after." suits the game just fine.

(After telling my friend that I made it to a dungeon that wouldn't let me in and it just killed me)

I wish I could remember the names of the canes from Link to the Past. But I really liked the one that created blocks that you could have detonate to shoot out fire. You got it in one of the harder Dark World dungeons so you didn't have it for much of the game, but it was still really neat.

Spent Valentine's Day weekend being a shut in, and I'll spend the holiday the same way too.

I'm so shocked that a concern troll would run to another place on the web and paint themselves as some sort of martyr who was just asking people to be respectful.

My favorite part about The Revanant was the scenery. My second favorite was looking up the real life story it's purportedly based on. And how nobody actually died, and Glass's revenge was to simply take back his guns. (That shit is valuable. Also he planned on murdering Fitzgerald then decided against it because you

While I'm not surprised at the idea of Nintendo being overly cautious with that, I'm leaning towards the unplayed courses getting taken down theory because this has happened to me before. Mainly with courses that didn't get starred. It would be a huge bummer though because song title puns are my go to for course title

Of course. It's a much better answer than anything I can come up with.

Hmmm. Damn. Well some random courses I made back in September are still going strong. I should be happy about that. But I was so happy with Boohemian Rhapsody's title!