Lord Stoneheart

(Reads first letter). What exactly is up with the whole bisexuals will leave you for another man? (With the fear always specifically being a man).

Part of me wants to suggest taking the high road, and suggest that Ghost Twink will learn nothing from this anyway.

Congrats on the progress you've made so far, and best of luck going forward.

Really? It wasn't popping up for me at 1:06. Maybe my phone time is way off? Damn, I just wanted to emulate the cool kids and post early. Then people other than my mom might say I was cool.

Yes. Especially if they have a song about ghosting.

Even if it's a little inconsistent those are some really good times. Im always happy when I can run faster at the end of a run than in the beginning, though it's not something I should aim for. (I really need to be more consistent with my pace. I'm happy when I can do 4+ miles at a sub 8:00 minute pace. And my first

New Year's resolutions?

Sympathy Dick Pain would make a good album title for a band named Thoughtless Twinks.

Just out of curiosity, does anyone know exactly what time Savage Love gets posted on the AV Club on EST?

That's what the Space Pope wants you to think!

That's what the lizard people want you to think! So they can enact their nerfarious grand scheme! (However, said scheme is just opening up a Space Christianity church here on Earth)

Well he died in service of me improving my one liners. "Die bad communazis die! With a cool dry wit like that, I can be an action hero!"

The communazis were a funny joke to me. Until I discovered the Internet and saw people use the term unironically. Ah well. We'll always have Marge and her action movie humor line.

That gag with the mountains is one of my favorite this season. The geography of Springfield is usually enough to get me to laugh. (What? I'm easily entertained. Even by the five corners joke). Why not have a giant mountain range right outside of town?

Oh this is my second attempt. My half elf Ranger/Fighter/Blackguard character ended up stalling because of the difficulty of Chapter 2. Way too many instant kills floating around. (Literally. Freaking Beholders).

Um let me try.
(Turns to Wayne)
Misandry! (Ha autocorrect tried to change that). But what about the men! MGTOW! But I'm a nice guy! Ummmm Benghazi!

It's always hilarious when someone brings up the "Men are more logical; woman are more emotional." thing, someone else disagrees with it, and the first person flips out. "Men are more logical, and damn it, I will shout it in your face louder and louder until you believe me you crybaby women!"

I don't usually care about graphics either. A lot of my favorite games are 8 bit. I mean, I'm a fan of the style used for the SNES versions of FFV and FFVI. But something about the iOS port just looks eye searingly bad to me.

Sounds good. The expansion description on GOG said something about soul bound weapons and party AI features. Are the new weapons and stuff exclusively found in new areas, or do they pop up elsewhere in the main game with the expansion installed?

The materia summons really make the Midgar stage. I've managed to pick up some KOs with Odin and the stage coming back together right as someone is in the gap.