Lord Stoneheart

Yesterday I ran into another Trump supporter. He told me that I would never agree with Trump because he wasn't a Democrat. (I'm not a Democrat, and he used to be fuckwad!) He then went on the typical rant of "At least Trump is making suggestions!"

School still be messing with my entertainment reading. Meh.

Awesome. Though I'm going to have to find a regular bar to do that at. Hmmmm.

I have a friend who back in high school had jokes made about her name. (As for why, she was one of the few non white people in my entire school. Do the math) I remember making one of the jokes at her when we lab partners in physics class. (I think I thought I was being playful, but yeah, it's really unacceptable). A

Thanks to your story, I just realized that I could go to a social gathering place alone, and that if I wasn't feeling up to attempting to be social I could just bring a book. I would say I have new plans for the weekend now, but then I remember I have a final on Monday.

I might really need to rewatch the ninth season because I really forgot key things like the Kidz Newz and "Pray for Mojo." happened in the same episode.

Sounds like a plan. I remember liking The Shining though it's been a while. Out of his early stuff, Carrie was a pretty good read too.

That's pretty similar to what I thought about Salem's Lot. It didn't help that the structure reminded me too much of Tommyknockers. (To give Salem's Lot credit, it's much better than that)

Watched Mulaney's The Comeback Kid comedy special on Netflix. It was fairly funny. I enjoyed the commentary on Back to the Future. (All these years I've thought about how time travel is paradoxical in that movie. I've never thought about how it's never explained why Doc and Marty are friends).

Oh I think I remember that conversation! I remember complaining that Explorers was expensive on Amazon.

(After a short discussion with my mom about how there's a lot of music about drugs I tried to change the topic off of drugs, but not music apparently)
"So there's this album I want and I'm trying to decide if I want to spend $7 to get the special edition. The question is, how many versions of the song Stargazer do I

I'm at around the same point too. I do miss Explorers story, this one doesn't seem that developed. Ah well.

I'm on the fourth season. I've only seen the Caress of Kreiger joke.

Well saying they suck doesn't necessarily mean that the person is calling them untalented, just that they find their music unenjoyable or bad in some other way.

It can be two things!

I got a good laugh at Krieger designing his creeper van to look like the third Rush album. Then felt bad because creeper van.

It's easier but the initial hump is still too much for me to put serious effort into overcoming it. Though most guys I use have decent IVs. And I have some Ditto which come with some perfect ones nowadays. Breeding is a little bit easier with the right items.

Ah good point. I mean it's not the worst abuses of free to play I've seen too. (Nobody is going to spends hundreds on their parents credit card). And generally the most it allows you to spend is less than a 3DS retail game, at which point all the restrictions are removed. I just haven't been interested in any of the

Oh I'm pretty awful at the game. Especially since I'm unwilling to breed for perfect IV's. But I keep trying because I know there's people worse than me out there. Somewhere.

Oh another Mario Kart tournament? (Pyramids fingers) Excellent.