Lord Stoneheart

Should be noted that the person that Quinn supposedly had sex with didn't review her game.

I'm not sure. But you know what they say. You can never go wrong with smiting impostors.

These GamerGaters give the rest of us socially maladjusted virgins a bad name!

"My fellow liberals"

It sounds more like a middle finger to those who went the extra mile. Considering how unintuitive and annoying it is to get those stars apparently. You were expecting a nice reward? Too bad! Have a mindfuck ending!

Honestly in my experience no one thinks about sex more than moral guardian busybodies who've decided everybody's sex lives are their business and they have stuff to say about that!

So all those times his businesses had to declare bankruptcy…

I would rather vote for headless Agnew than Trump. Nixon's Head's presidency went rather well I think. We conquered that one planet and everyone got a $300 tax rebate.

But now them whiny liberals sometimes complain! And that's against my free speech! I need all of the back patting!

What's being censored here again?

Real America? What's real America? (Suddenly realizes that every place I've ever lived is actually made out of plastic). Oooooh, that's why people say that. I have always wondered about that.

The days when people could say awful shit and get a pat on the back for it of course.

While I'm certain there are people that are indeed that fucking stupid, I'm judging from the rest of the comment thread that it's a troll. Who's going to entertaining new heights apparently.

Fauxbama? That's too clever, you're one of them!

I kinda of mentioned this in WAYPTW, but I really disliked the ending I read about after the fact. I felt like it threw out most of the power of that original scene, all to throw in some overwrought unnecessary symbolism. The reveal the normal ending did was one that took advantage of the main mechanic and completely

I really like the endings to the Fire Emblem games because they make me feel bad about my failures. (Okay weird way of putting it I know). It's cool to see a short blurb about how life was like for the characters after the game. And the GBA games had the ending changed depending on how you may have paired them up. So

Earthbound! I just really loved being able to walk around in a world that has been saved from Giygas, even if only for a short while. It was neat seeing what little Easter Eggs there were. It really made beating the game feel like a tangible accomplishment.

Sadly it's not. It's all bs so people like Carson can claim that the Bible totally happened exactly as described and the pyramids are proof!

What's so depraved about German por… Oh. Well I guess channeling their energy into that instead of warring with everyone every few decades is improvement.

How do we sign up? And that's 9 PM EST right?