Lord Spango

Never trust a big butt and a smile.

By upvoting you I made myself sad.

Hey sister Christian with your high and mighty arrows, your actions speak so loud I can't hear a word you're saying

It's nice to meet someone else who even remembers Savatage, let alone enjoys them.

I should have mentioned it was the live version, which has this awesome break in the middle of the song where Frank intercepts a note from someone named "Bear or Bean" looking for his/her friend Dirty Tom Nomads. That, and he heckles Bozio endlessly about letting go of his pickle. I guess I'm saying I would have loved

Pizzacato Five - Baby Love Child
Cherry Poppin' Daddies - Don Quixote
Beastie Boys - Hey Ladies
Nine Inch Nails - Reptile
PJ Harvey - Who Will Love Me Now
Depeche Mode - Strange Love
White Zombie - I, Zombie
Dean Martin - Standing On The Corner
Aphex Twin - Funny Little Man
Savatage - Gutter Ballet
Frank Zappa - Titties And Beer

did we lose a war????

What the fuck is up with these reboots coming 5 years after the last reboot? Whatever happened to waiting at LEAST a decade or two before deciding to try to reboot a property?

I'm fired, aren't I?


I just had a gyro pizza, some slices left over from earlier this week. But I did also have potato pancakes earlier today with applesauce. Not terribly fancy, either one, but utterly delicious.

Bedelia has always struck me as being one of the most cool and collected characters on this show, but she is just as stark raving looney as Hannibal or Will at their worst; she's worse because she actually buys into her own bullshit.

Call me a perv (no seriously, I get off on it) but the picture up top looks like she's giving a blurred-out bj.

That's nothing. I watched Bulworth in the theater thinking I was all by myself the whole time, only to find a guy I knew from college choir lurking in the back when it was all over.

The way he nods slightly as he surveys the carnage with a beatific grin, before he zips into action as the angelic music plays. It's a great moment.

I had no idea Sharon Jones and the Dap Kings did a cover of that song! I must hear it now! To the Internet!

Beastie Boys - 3-Minute Rule
16 Horsepower - Dead Run
10,000 Maniacs - Candy Everybody Wants
Urge Overkill - Girl, You'll Be A Woman Soon
Nightmares On Wax - I'm For Real
Tom Waits - Swordfishtrombone
Grimes - Oblivion
Tom Lehrer - My Hometown
Primus - Jerry Was A Race Car Driver
Rasputina - Barracuda
New Bomb Turks - Jukebox

We have always been at war with Disqus.

Saugen mich, du schweinhund.

"My body is filled with rum and cheese. Gonna have to lay off THAT first thing in the morning."