Lord Spango

"Well, there you go again."

You're shitting me. When/where link please?

Way to miss the point. I don't like the NSA or you, you'll never catch me defending either/or. All I'm saying is you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar; what's too bad is that you'd rather get into myopic circle-jerks of opinion instead of trying to raise good points and defend them in an honest debate.

You know what? I might actually agree with a few of your points if you weren't such a self-satisfied, disingenuous dick.

I'm partial to "Dark Entries" and "Hair of the Dog" myself.

Thank you! Once I saw how she reacted to the murder of her parents, it seemed incredibly obvious that the Ogre doped her with that glass of "water"; there's no way, no matter how unlikable a character Barbara was, that she would not only be cool with the Ogre killing her parents, but be more concerned with his health

All these puns are making me feel Box'd in!

Not a Snowbird's chance in hell.

I feel Vindicator'd!

PonderOsa pine!

But why stop at sexism? Why not throw racism in the mix as well? Or do you, like George W. Bush, not care about black people at all?

Now you're just being deliberately obtuse.

Also, I bet Elizabeth's proxy is a lot nicer, and that Condi liked her more, than Elizabeth herself.

My suggestion for the show: have Mary fall completely out of favor with Francis (Christ, she's practically already there) and change the focus of the show to Greer, Mary, Kenna and Lola running the best damn brothel in all of France. We could turn it into a kind of sitcom. We could even still keep Francis, Bash and

The Tea Party is much more stupid than the Reform Party. At least the Reform Party could boast Ross Perot and Jesse Ventura; who the hell do the Tea Party have? Ted Cruz and Rand Paul?

Hey everybody, do the Bender! That's right, this dance is called the Bender!

Puff out that brisket!

*Homer Simpson drooling noise*

Well, when they're all dead, there's only one thing you can do.

Couldn't be any worse than actually READING 50 Shades of Gray.