Even Fraction's Hawkeye could beat the crap out of Robin Hood or that damn Katniss girl.
Even Fraction's Hawkeye could beat the crap out of Robin Hood or that damn Katniss girl.
You mean tabula rasa. It's classier.
So the movie with Swayze and Keanu is based on this? I really couldn't see it.
Wait, wasn't she there talking to Finn this week - no, that was last week.
I think it's about time we broke the US into several separate regionally based countries (you know, the South Country, the Eastern Seaboard, the East Midwest, the West Midwest, the Southwest, the West Coast and wherever the fuck that would have Wyoming). Let's see which regions/countries will sink or swim based on…
Dominance is about control, not being demeaning.
Seriously, there has to be more to the character than a name that precisely describes his lame-ass power. Do people take these gold balls and undermine the gold market with them?
Alice Cooper - Feed My Frankenstein
Tom Waits - Such A Scream
Bad Religion - Modern Man
Cypress Hill - Lick A Shot
Aladdin Soundtrack - Prince Ali
Aphex Twin - Funny Little Man
Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
Pamyu Pamyu is good fun.
Is she hot?
Arne Carlson was a pretty great governor, especially for a Republican. He was almost more liberal then than Dayton, our current governor, a Democrat, is now.
The fuck? Who the fuck is Goldballs, and is he/she for real?
I still miss Kid Nation. Forget the joy of kids cooking, how about kids forming governments? Deciding parliamentary rules of procedure?
Ichabod does not approve of American Idol. Nor Simon Cowell, the distaff twat.
I never knew about Barbour, this is the first I've heard of him. Thanks for the recommendation!
I still want to see a live version of Weaveworld.
I would love to see a fleshed-out version of Rise, Satan! Or The Body Politic (both from the same book, The Inhuman Condition).
I don't know why, but I keep thinking it was Heywood Jablowme.
Remember when the Simpson family desperately sought some entertainment from a public television fund drive that featured a Garrison Keillor look/sound-alike?