golden coin golden coin y'all
golden coin golden coin y'all
Congratulations on the new job! I'm still on the looking side of things, but it's always great to see someone moving on up. Do you like it better than the old job?
Don't praise the machine.
Boy, it looks like Apatow is really gonna Britta this one up.
That's a good question….how scary does a guy need to be to warrant that kind of imprisonment even though he had no bending ability?
Wow, is that (Jello Biafra as the voice of a villain) a casting that I will find myself thinking about…..
I don't care for Kai, I agree with the poster above that he's a little shit, and his being shipped with Jinora is just annoying. So Jinora is such a sheltered girl (despite being almost as good as Korra with the spiritual world and her discipline) that she gets a crush on the first juvenile delinquent to bat his eyes…
I assure you, a vegetarian diet is both healthy and tasty…
(door slams)
These robes? Oh, they're very breathable….
(door slams)
…..If not for the airbenders, the world would fall into chaos, and nobody wants that…..
I do.
However, since I can't have you following me either….
All three actors you mention are great actors who would humble any less-than-great actors in their path.
Nope, Gary Oldman IS in this. They just cast him as Gleek the Super Monkey.
I don't think Stahma did the bomb herself. Skeever had means, opportunity and motive all by himself to get back at her for his beating. Also unless the bomb was a fake, I don't think Stahma would put herself at risk with such a close call.
Also, I like the fact that though Giles is this great manipulator and schemer, he's not so omniscient that he can't get out-schemed and out-manipulated.
Personally I was disappointed from the first episode that they decided to make the Chose One just another handsome adult white dude, instead of maybe going with the Chosen One being a girl or something. I was kind of rooting for Bixby to be revealed as the chosen one, I think it would have been a much more interesting…
Why doesn't he go by Sham-Wow? Or - wait for it - Shad-Wow? Genius!
Saugen mich, du schweinhund! Wo sind das Badezimmer?
I dig Tall Boy and You Can Feel Me myself.
Har-Mar Superstar is a supremely underrated performer. The man is a legitimate contender for the title "Hardest Working Man in Showbiz" now that James Brown is dead. Dude performed in his speedos with nothing but a boom box in front of a metal audience and lived to tell the tale.
I personally would like some answers about the mythology going on, what's real and what's not. However, I'm almost positive that we'll never get any answers - not any that mean anything, at least. Wilfred is just that kind of show.
Nobody seems to give them props, but I loved Waffle House when I traveled through the south. Especially the fully loaded hash browns. That shit was a meal all by itself.