Lord Spango

She's not really my type as far as attractiveness goes, and her musical talent hovers between minuscule and nonexistent, but DAMN does that Iggy Azalea have a PRODIGIOUS ass.

Well, if nothing else, I finally understood that Eddie and Ed Jr. are two separate people and that explains why he doesn't sound like Charlie Murphy anymore. Too bad they couldn't get Asner and Murphy back, their skills might have elevated this sorry-ass season.

I know everyone says it, but Castlevania: Symphony of the Night has some of the best video game music ever.

To give it the appearance of democracy?

Jeffster would have taken care of Margot by now.

4. Eat someone's face.
5. Drive from Florida to Texas nonstop, wearing a diaper

Liked for Arby's Mouth, Grover Nordquist Syndrome, and Mind of Mencia.

You forgot pot smoking.

It's General Dada, I believe. And he's a she.

I wanna know who's hung and who's not in Hollywood. And which actresses have gaping vaginas with their own center of gravity.

No no no…..gotta raise YOU a Britney Fox.

I was really hoping that this would be the year we get a Weird Al song covered in this.

The word tarts is a bit too generous for these wastes of space.

*Opens book of Public Nudity Laws*

Guess you were wrong when you called him a washed-up freak, eh Linda?

Your dream was to eat the world's largest sandwich, and you did that in 1991!

Look out Itchy, he's Irish!

Idi Amin or GTFO.

Considering an inflamed case of gonorrhea of the armpits is better than the reality show boom, I'm gonna ride this thing out and see where it goes.

There's always Aisha Tyler, as someone above mentioned. I'd watch her in a heartbeat.