Lord Spango

I thought that She-Hulk was Bruce Banner's cousin. I mean, she got her powers when she received a blood transfusion from Banner after she was in an accident. So it would be doubly gross if she and the Hulk were to have sex.

Well, if it's not up to your standards, then don't fucking watch. We won't miss you.

So is the cavalry going to come because Alana called them, reporting shots fired? They seem to be taking their sweet time. And I really hope that both Abigail and Alana survive. Jack and Will, well, we already know they're going to survive.

The theme of forgiveness shot through this episode, it seemed like forgiveness was the one thing Hannibal both sought and feared. With Bella, with Alana, with Abigail, with Will - it seemed like he accepted the forgiveness when it was offered, but almost seemed relieved when it wasn't forthcoming.

The hell? Abigail's alive, but Hannibal slits her throat. Bedelia is alive, and flying away from the country with Hannibal by her side? Seriously Fuller, the fuck?

You just want yet another film starring Tom Hardy. We'll throw in Benedict Cumberbatch and Fassbender as well.

Jihad Jihad!

That sounds delicious.

Liked for username/subject synergy.


Shock the Monkey

As far as the dragons breathing fire question, I've always liked the Reign of Fire explanation - that dragons have glands around their mouth that spit something like napalm that burns when it comes into contact with oxygen. Or something like that.

You sound like Tom from Parks and Rec talking about his abstract art that he commissioned.

I usually chose Revolution as well, except for the Arrow season finale last week, the final battle between Arrow and Slade. And some hot female assassins.

I'll miss this show. Watched at the beginning, dropped out in disgust, came back for this season and it was one of my favorite shows. I would love to see this picked up by someone else so we could see where they were going with the evil town in Idaho. As things stand now, the only silver lining in this cloud is that

Sorry, I didn't mean to come off so snide. As a comic book nerd from way back, I just thought it was universally known that superheroes fight each other all the time, usually based on a misunderstanding where each thinks the other is a bad guy. But they almost as often fight even when they know each other already. The

Seriously, could this douche be anymore insulting to the fans of the characters he desecrates with his douchecocking?

Seriously, man…3305 comments on this site and you've never run into the concept of superheroes fighting each other before teaming up?

She's already appeared naked (or at least topless) in some movie. I forget which one,

It's always nice when people who you think are cool turn out to be cooler than you could have hoped. I'm jealous of you, but my friend Eric who turned me on to them, he would positively PLOTZ.