
Any stereotypical college football fan who is 12 Coors Light deep and talking about respect gets a giggle from me.

New South Green here (RIP), never went to a football game but instinctively know that selling beer is a bad idea.

I’m a very petty person. After moving from Ohio to Wisconsin all I want is for Ohio to go Trump and lose. They have a lot of pride in picking presidential winners, and have completely boned this one. Wednesday is why I’ve stayed on Facebook.

Where did Columbus go?

Catching poorly thrown balls on the run in tight coverage;

Odell Thurman, remember that dude?

·Uhhgg, any chance this unnamed school in Ohio will turn him away? Unfortunately this is the type of person that made up 90% of my Alma Mater (go bobcats). *edit UD won’t have him, yay.

Miller Lite is a fine punishment for people who don’t enjoy dank IPAs.

Some people know how to live.

At this point I enjoy the unrelenting hate of Cincinnati Chili that pervades this space. I do not enjoy the faces you’ve associated with the greatest traditional cuisine in America. Now please excuse me, I have oyster crackers and hot sauce to attend to.

TIL: 20 years and 200+ million games is a flash in the pan.

Potato Salad, Non-Mayo Slaw, Mac & Cheese, Baked Beans, Watermelon...not much love for watermelon here. For shame!

But holographic replay is going to be tits.

As a Bengal fan and a member of the Ohio University class of 2008 that had to watch this ass-clown suffer through a commencement speech, I want Skyline.