

people were paid by Marvel to not see Suicide Squad.

He was pretty Cable in Friday Night Lights. There was the episode where he went back in time and gunned down a rival football team, because they were destined to be revealed as Sentinel infiltration units.


I have to say, I’m not a fan of that weird cenobite-mask Ghost Rider’s look. Ghost Rider should be a guy with a flaming human skull, period. No need to spruce it up or millennialize it or anything. He looks like he’s going to take a trip to the Soul Society to release his Bankai.

Does he even Spirit of Vengeance?

Let’s see... Blaze, Ketch, Alejandra, Slade, and counting the ones from around the world, we’re well into double digits.

Or fifth depending on how you count em.

Carter Slade was considered a Ghost Rider before they changed his name to the Phantom Rider.

Then we got Johnny and Danny. Then there was Alejandra.

2nd Ghost Rider? Oh James.

Ragnarok is going to be wild. I’d rather Beta Ray Bill be the connecting alien though.

I’d love to see Dunk and Egg... on Netflix.

Shitty story that makes no fucking sense? Incredibly poor acting? Zero chemistry between any and all of the actors? Crap direction? Yes, the movie sucked exactly because of the reasons I thought.

Um, what? SD cards are like 2mm thick. That’s less than .1 inches. Most tablets are not that thin. A TON of tablets already have SD card slots. The new surface has a micro SD slot IIRC, and definitely has a USB port which is substantially thicker.

American Gods is probably the biggest winner to me.

I miss Nextwave.