Lord Queb

I certainly got the "slave mistress" vibe from this story. The wife is neglected or abused by her husband so she takes it out on someone beneath her who isn't able to fight back. I liked seeing it placed in a modern context.

Maybe I just imagined it, but did anyone else catch Margaery's face crinkle for just a split second with disgust?/shadiness? while she was hugging Tommen?

It would also have meant running in the direction of his attackers since they were between him and the gas station. In moments of panic, I would assume most people move in the opposite direction of danger, even if it is the wrong direction.

I think it has to relate to the discussion that the principal and Anne had when Taylor first re-enrolled. Back then we were told that the school had to many issues and could not provide adequate support to Taylor and that is what we are seeing now, a larger issue crowding out everything else. When that happens,

The teaser for next week's episode makes the prospect that both survive look very shaky indeed.

So think I figured out how Ramsay meets his inevitable end. We know that at one point in the past the Bolton's were kings of their particular patch of the North before losing out to the Starks. Anyways, what if that still counts as king's blood? It means that Ramsay is now on his way to a camp that has a certain red

Thought bubble: Oberyn was this seasons version of Ned Stark, provincial bigwig who rides to Kings Landing to find truth/justice, gets in way over their head, loses said head after getting to close to golden hair s****.