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    In related news, the NFL just blamed the cancellation of the Hall of Fame game on Millennials not getting off their damn lawn.

    Claremont's run on X-Men is legendary, but Peter David's run on Incredible Hulk is my personal favorite. The first comic I ever bought was one of his and I was immediately hooked into the hobby.

    Put me down as a TIE Defender fanboy. It was a great payoff for the TIE Fighter computer game. After slogging through the ranks of flying the unshielded standard TIEs, then working your way up to the Interceptor, Bomber and Advanced, the TIE-D just felt like cheating. It had the advantages of all the previous ships

    Ramsay needs a new Reek...

    Snoke is a messed up attempt by the Empire to clone Luke from his severed hand (Luuke anyone?) and... Rey's father.