GG Tim Allin

I liked the episode where she killed William Holden and made it look like a drunken accident.

Isn’t one theory Walken/Wood were getting a little cozy and Wagner went berzerk and smacked her off the boat leading to the 3 men covering it up? Always sounded a bit Colombo to me, but who knows (besides them)?

“Just last week, LBJ told me I have the yugest cock of any President ever.”

And you know Coulter has voodoo dolls of both of them.

“But my JOB!!!” 

Donkey Sauce has a different meaning in the Sumter County jail.

If I could give you 10 stars for “dolt45" I would.

“How’s that swampy, drainy thing workin’ out for ya?”

“Airdrone” is in the works.

But did he put dijon on his pork roll?

With a side of “She turned on our beloved Roger and Bill-O”

The majority of my family are conservative and they all turned on her when she left Fox. I don’t know what her NBC ratings are, but I can’t help but think this is just her yelling“Hey, over here! I’m still one of you!”.

Remember the “Apparently” Kid? He’s the new copy-editor.

There was no Todd Van Der Werff, it’s Tam. People make that mistake all the time.

To be fair, he stole the horned skull logo from an issue of Crystar the Crystal Warrior.

Aha, thank you.

Slightly off topic, but ”...we have a policy of no food or drink from homes,”

Just a different spin on, “I’m not a racist, but...”

Yada yada unstable lone wolf yada yada.

Ask Lee Atwater’s ghost.